News Health Did you know Almonds can help you lose those inches? Know how to add them to your diet

Did you know Almonds can help you lose those inches? Know how to add them to your diet

People looking forward to lose some inches must snack on some almonds. Yes, you read it right almonds can help you lose weight. Read on to know more about this wonder nut.

Almonds can help you lose those inches Image Source : FREEPIKAlmonds can help you lose those inches

We all know the benefits of almonds and our mothers and grandmothers have constantly made us eat them to boost our brain power. They are a great source of fiber, protein, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamin E. A powerhouse of nutrients and wonder nut is excellent for heart health, almonds can also serve as the perfect weight loss food for those aiming to shed kilos and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Ways to add almonds to your diet to lose those inches

1. Almond milk

This particular milk does wonders for a person who is lactose intolerant, it is a great substitute for normal milk. It is super easy to make too. Soak almonds, blend them and enjoy the milk. According to a recent study, snacking on 30–50 grams of almonds could persuade people to eat fewer kilojoules per day.

2. Add them to your smoothie or shake

For fitness-conscious people or young adolescents who exercise or go to the gym, they can have almond smoothies to pack a nutritional punch. Add one or two tbsp of almonds to your favourite fruit smoothie for getting those extra proteins, micronutrients and a lot of fiber.

3. Have them raw

Around 22-23 almonds would provide you with satiety and serve as the perfect snacking option. You can also soak them before eating as it can help you absorb more nutrients. One can even roast the almonds to add some more taste to this wonder nut.

4. Powder them and add to your porridge

Another way to ensure you have your daily dose of almonds is to powder them and keep them. You can add it to your porridge or any other dessert you like. Get creative and think of ways to add the healthy nuts to your meals.

Tip: Almonds are rich in fibre, protein, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamin E. A handful of this nut can make a feel full, contributing to the weight loss journey. However, mind the quantity of having them otherwise it can lead to weight gain.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regime or medical advice. 


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