News Health Yoga for acidity, constipation, gas: Swami Ramdev's tips and home remedies

Yoga for acidity, constipation, gas: Swami Ramdev's tips and home remedies

Yoga for constipation, acidity: Swami Ramdev believes that constant stomach related issues can cause low energy levels. Home remedies and regular yoga can help you recover from acidity and other common stomach related ailments.

Yoga for constipation, Yoga for acidity, gas

Acidity is a common health problem among adults these days. Your lifestyle and food habits are the root cause of this major stomach ailment. In some of the cases, consumption of caffeine products such as tea and coffee are also responsible for causing acidity. Our body produces an acid that helps in digestion of food. However, sometimes the acid exceeds its level in the stomach causing the problem.  Acidity can be painful, hence, it is important to get rid of it. If ignored in initial stages, acidity can lead to serious health complications such as stomach ulcer, colitis and constipation.

According to Swami Ramdev, our stomach needs to be healthy for our mind to be peaceful. He says that constant stomach related issues can cause a deficit in energy. Home remedies and regular yoga can help you recover from such issues. Here are the following yoga tips and home remedies suggested by Swami Ramdev which will help you keep acidity at bay:

Practice these yoga asanas to get rid of acidity:

Mandukasana: The Mandukasana asana will help your body produce insulin in the pancreas. Do this asana for at least one minute and you will easily overcome the acidity problem.

Gaumukhasana: The Gaumukhasana asana will clean your lungs and give you relief in hip and spine pain. You can easily get rid of acidity by practicing this yoga posture every day.

Pawanamuktasana: You can practice this asana to help body fix issues related to indigestion and deafness.

Uttanapadasana: Swami Ramdev suggests that the Uttanapadasana will help you get relief from depression and stress. Practice this posture for one minute and get rid of every problem related to constipation, acidity and colitis.

Naukasana: The Naukasana asana helps you reduce abdominal fat, improves the digestive system and cures acidity. The asana has shown great results in problems related to gas and constipation and helped people keep their waist and stomach in shape and improve the functioning of kidneys.

Padangushthasana: Baba Ramdev claims that this asana will improve digestion, reduce mental stress and gas inside your stomach.

Sethubandhasan: The Sethubandhasan asana is effective in high blood pressure. It eliminates sleeping sickness, cures acidity and benefits in sinus and asthma.

Sarvangasana: Practise this asana to keep your whole body fit and get rid of every stomach related problem.

Halasana: The Halasana will help you get relief from skin-related issues, tension and fatigue. It also helps in improving digestion and weight loss.

Pranayama: According to Swami Ramdev, one should definitely do Pranayama along with the daily practice of Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Anulom Antonyms, Ujjayi, Bhramari, etc.

Here are some home remedies to cure acidity:

  • Carrot and beetroot salad
  • Soak one teaspoon of aniseed overnight and drink in the morning with 200 grams of water.
  • With the same measures, you can also drink celery and wheat water.
  • Make a powder by taking 5-5 grams fenugreek and celery, 1-1 gram black salt and sweet soda and 1 gram asafoetida. Consume half or one teaspoon of hot water. This will benefit from gas and acidity.
  • Eat boiled greens vegetables instead of oily food.
  • If you have a constipation problem, consume Triphala powder.

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