News Technology Why India faces more than 300 million malware attacks daily? Report

Why India faces more than 300 million malware attacks daily? Report

Botnet and malware code are reusable and efficient, they have cost-effective ways for criminals to build successful attack vectors while making iterative changes, and fine-tuning their attacks to sidestep detection. The total count of Botnets in India was 204,554,825, which is more than 2.2 mn.

Malware Image Source : PIXABAYMalware

In the recent report, it was stated that India records a total virus count of 37,697,022, which is around 4,18,000 viruses per day in the fourth quarter of 2022.

As per the cybersecurity company named Fortinet, India is the country, which alone accounted for 5.81 per cent of the global virus count deducted in the last year's last quarter.

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Vishak Raman, Vice President of Sales, India, SAARC and Southeast Asia Fortinet said, "In the second half of 2022, drive-by compromise topped the list across India as the most common malware delivery approach. This method involves attackers gaining access to victims' systems while browsing online and getting them to download malicious payloads."

"To protect against these advanced persistent cybercrime tactics, organisations need to focus on enabling machine learning-driven coordinated and actionable threat intelligence in real-time across all security devices to detect suspicious actions and initiate coordinated mitigation across the extended attack surface," he further added.

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The report further said that bad actors seek to maximise their existing investments and knowledge in attack efforts. 

Botnet and malware code are reusable and efficient, they have cost-effective ways for criminals to build successful attack vectors while making iterative changes, and fine-tuning their attacks to sidestep detection.

The total count of Botnets in India was 204,554,825, which is more than 2.2 million Bots per day in Q4 2022 in India.

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The country has accounted for around 4.72 per cent of the Botnets deducted across the world, in the last quarter, said the report. IANS also stated that Mirai and Gh0st RAT bots have continued to be the popular ones in India. But out of the top five, only RotaJakiro is from the current decade.

The total exploit count in India has been around 27,328,691,045 in the Q4 of 2022, which is over 303 million exploits deducted per day. The exploits targeting Indian networks were 4.35 per cent of the total global exploits.