News Lifestyle These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship from dying a slow death

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship from dying a slow death

Finding a life partner for yourself might seem to be a herculean task to you. But the matter of fact is, nurturing the relationship and retaining a life partner is far more painstaking than finding one.

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Finding a life partner for yourself might seem to be a herculean task to you. But the matter of fact is, nurturing the relatkionship and retaining a life partner is far more painstaking than finding one. 
As days, weeks and years pass by, we tend to take our relationship for granted. With so many things happening in our lives, we often put love on the backseat. That’s when it starts -- the slow death of relationship. 

Thus, to prevent your life partner turning into a roommate you despise, follow these relationship rules by the counsellors. 

Sex is important, but not essential 

It’s completely okay if neither of you is particularly bothered about sex. A non-sexual relationship is enjoyable too. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Also Read: Here’s how ‘Casual Sex’ can land you in a serious trouble!

Communication is the key 

Communication is the most fundamental part of a romantic relationship. People don’t realise the importance of communication, otherwise it wouldn’t have caused so many break-ups. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Talk and listen in equal proportion 

Just like venting your emotions out is important, listening to what your partner is saying is needed equally. Communicate, with an intention to connect, not just to pass an information. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Also Read: Men lack conversation skills for online dating: Study

Talk before the event, not after it 

This is the poorest way to behave in a relationship. And more often, people slip into this bad habit. Tell things before hand, rather than telling when things slip out of your hand. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Jumping to conclusions 

Imagining things and taking a conclusion out by yourself will just ruin the things between you. If you feel something wrong about your partner, then speak up. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Also Read: Want spark back in your relationship? Read this

You can’t change someone else, but yourself 

This is the bitter truth you need to admit as soon as possible. You can just help your partner improve, but can never change them. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death

Divide the chores, work as a team 

Giving each other a fair share is an important aspect of a relationship. All the labors of the day should be divided. It’s a way of showing respect to your partner. 

These 7 expert tips can prevent your relationship dying a slow death