News Health Yoga Day 2022: Harmonizing the mind-body connection, know the hidden powers of Yoga

Yoga Day 2022: Harmonizing the mind-body connection, know the hidden powers of Yoga

By harmonizing the mind-body connection, yoga is the most beneficial approach for connecting to nature. It is a sort of exercise that requires control over diet, breathing, and physical postures and is conducted with a balanced body.

Yoga Day 2022: Know the hidden powers of Yoga Image Source : MEENAKSHI MOHANTYYoga Day 2022: Know the hidden powers of Yoga
The world observes the International Yoga Day and the theme for this year is “Yoga for humanity”. Yoga has become an alternative for humans to cope with modern lifestyle problems. It is getting increasingly popular across the world. It provides peace to the restless mind. It is a blessing for the ill. It is the trend of the day to maintain the average man fit. Some people take it to help them improve their memory, intellect, and creativity. It is becoming a component of education due to its numerous benefits. In their quest for perfection, experts utilize it to unlock deeper layers of awareness.
Yoga often combines stretching exercises and varied positions with deep breathing and meditation, however, there are many other forms of yoga practices. Let’s us know how yoga is the ultimate cure of all the problems.

The benefits of Yoga

  • Yoga practice leads to a reduction in overall food consumption, eating pace, and meal selections. BMI, waist and hip circumference, fat-free mass, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, and fasting serum leptin levels are all reduced. Eating disorder symptoms have also decreased as a result of yoga, and among people who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, physical activity has risen and symptoms have decreased as a result of yoga.
  • Yoga improves physical conditions like balance and flexibility. It also improves the strength of individuals and provides control over muscles. Improved posture is aided by increased flexibility and strength. One can identify when they are slouching or having improper posture which can be fixed if one can train to have stronger core strength and body awareness through yoga.
  • Yoga's beneficial benefits may be mediated through enhanced vagal activity and lower cortisol levels. Yoga improves vagal activity substantially.
  • Yoga aids in the systematic sharpening and sensitization of emotions, as well as the conscious expansion and diffusion of the overtones of such sensitivity. As a result, yoga is an excellent instrument for the development of emotional personality.
  • In recent years, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and joint problems have become more common. The yogic intervention has a significant influence on the blood glucose levels of diabetics. According to some research Yoga practitioners with rheumatoid arthritis have higher handgrip strength.
  • According to increased inspiratory and expiratory pressures, yoga practice enhances the strength of both expiratory and inspiratory muscles. The respiratory system has muscles that are comparable to those of the skeletal system. Yoga's isometric contraction is proven to boost skeletal muscle strength. The initial lung capacity determines how long it takes to hold a breath. As lung capacity rises, the frequency and amplitude of involuntary respiratory muscle contractions decrease, lessening the discomfort of breath retention. During yoga practice, one intentionally and consistently overcomes the inputs to respiratory centers, achieving control of breathing. This, together with improved cardio-respiratory function, might explain why yoga practitioners can hold their breath for longer periods.
  • Yoga helps to balance the autonomic nervous system as the autonomic nervous system is made up of two limbs: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Individual asana and pranayama practices may have varying effects on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, but yoga practice as a whole promotes parasympathetic dominance.
  • By involving all muscle groups, internal systems, organs, and glands, yoga's holistic approach has been found to have a cumulative effect on internal healing. Yoga treatment also aids in the circulation of critical nutrients, oxygen, hemoglobin, and red blood cells to bodily tissues, as it does with many types of exercise.
  • Individuals with musculoskeletal illnesses such as osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and chronic back pain have reported pain reduction and enhanced range of motion after practicing yoga. Yoga may also aid in the improvement of cardiopulmonary measurements such as lung function, exercise capacity, and resting heart rate. Yoga practitioners have shown a reduction in risk factors for cardiovascular disease and hypertension, as well as a reversal of the detrimental effects of stress.
By harmonizing the mind-body connection, yoga is the most beneficial approach for connecting to nature. It is a sort of exercise that requires control over diet, breathing, and physical postures and is conducted with a balanced body. One may eliminate troubles and tension caused by others by practicing yoga. It facilitates the establishment of a link between the body, mind, and nature.

(This article is attributed to Meenakshi Mohanty, Fitness Expert)

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