News Health World First Aid Day 2023: 5 basic rules to follow while providing first aid to an injured person

World First Aid Day 2023: 5 basic rules to follow while providing first aid to an injured person

These five basic rules are essential to remember when providing first aid to an injured person.

world first aid day 2023 Image Source : FREEPIKThese are the basic rules to keep in mind while providing first aid to an injured person.

Today marks World First Aid Day 2023, and with it comes the responsibility to learn and practice the basics of providing first aid to those in need. A little bit of preparedness can go a long way in ensuring that the injured person receives the care they need and gets back on their feet as quickly as possible.

Being well-versed in first aid is essential for anyone who may find themselves in a situation where they must provide emergency care for someone else. Here are five basic rules to follow while providing first aid to an injured person:

Safety First: When providing first aid, the safety of both the provider and the injured person should always be the top priority. If the situation warrants it, always wear protective gloves, masks, and other safety equipment to prevent further harm. 

Assess the Situation: Before providing treatment, take a few moments to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Check for any signs of life, and if necessary, call for emergency medical assistance.

Stop Any Bleeding: If there is any active bleeding, take immediate steps to stop it. Apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage. Applying an ice pack or cold compress can also help reduce swelling and pain.

Keep the Person Comfortable: Make sure that the person is comfortable while you provide treatment. Keep them warm and offer words of reassurance to help them remain calm. If they are conscious, make sure they are not in any pain or discomfort.

Follow-Up Care: After providing initial care, seek medical help as soon as possible and follow up with any recommended treatment plan or advice from your medical professional. This will help ensure that the injury does not become worse over time.

These five basic rules are essential to remember when providing first aid to an injured person. Knowing what to do in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death, so make sure you are prepared by taking a class in basic first aid today.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regime or medical advice.