News Health World AIDS Day 2020: Touching or eating together does not spread AIDS, know myths and misconceptions

World AIDS Day 2020: Touching or eating together does not spread AIDS, know myths and misconceptions

Every year, World AIDS Day is celebrated by keeping in mind a theme. This year, the theme of 'AIDS Day 2020' is 'Ending HIV epidemic: Resilience and Impact'. Know the history of this day, when it began, symptoms and other interesting things here.

World AIDS Day 2020: Know myths and misconceptions Image Source : TWITTER/@AWESOMEPLHIVWorld AIDS Day 2020: Know myths and misconceptions

World AIDS Day is celebrated on 1 December worldwide. Its purpose is to make people aware of AIDS and what leads to it. AIDS is an epidemic caused by human immunodeficiency (HIV) virus infection. It is a serious disease in which the ability of humans to fight infections is adversely affected. Even after several years, there is no cure for this deadly disease. Every year, World AIDS Day is celebrated by keeping in mind a theme. This year, the theme of 'AIDS Day 2020' is 'Ending HIV epidemic: Resilience and Impact'. Know the history of this day, when it began, symptoms and other interesting things here.

When World AIDS Day began?

World AIDS Day was first conceived in 1987 in the month of August by Thomas Netter and James W. Bann. Thomas Netter and James W. Bann were both public information officers for the AIDS Global Program of the World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland. He conveyed his idea of ​​AIDS Day to Dr. Johnathan Mann (Director of AIDS Global Program), who approved the idea and celebrated it on December 1 in 1988 as World AIDS Day. They decided to dedicate this date every year as World AIDS Day.

Know what is HIV?

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus. Immunity protects our body from diseases, but the HIV virus directly attacks our immune system due to which any person who is infected with HIV faces serious issues. It kills the T cells in the body. If it is not treated in time, it increases the infection and becomes the cause of AIDS.

Difference between HIV and AIDS

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that directly attacks the immune system's T cells. On the other hand, AIDS is a medical syndrome called Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome which is caused as a syndrome after HIV infection. HIV can be transmitted from one person to another but not AIDS.

How does the HIV virus spread?

  • A pregnant woman can have this infection from her children. This infection can also happen to the baby through breastfeeding
  • HIV virus can also be spread by transfusing infected blood or using infected needles.
  • The HIV-infected person also has the highest risk of infection from a donated organ
  • There are many reasons for the spread of this virus. One of the biggest reasons is having unprotected sex with an HIV-infected person.

How to avoid HIV virus?

  • Before applying any vaccine or injection, make sure the syringe is brand new. So that the risk of spreading the infection is negligible
  • Avoid connecting with more than one person. This makes you at higher risk of getting HIV
  • Have safe sex
  • Before taking blood from anyone, check whether it is safe or not
  • Always use a new blade while shaving
  • If you have a slight doubt that you have HIV, get it tested immediately.

HIV does not spread like this-

Many people have the wrong idea about how HIV spreads. Learn how HIV cannot spread.

  • Mosquito bites do not spread HIV
  • Shaking hands with HIV infected victims can not be the reason
  • Multiple people using the same toilet
  • Eating or talking with an HIV positive patient
  • Sleeping with an HIV positive patient
  • By kissing

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