News Health When is the ideal time to have fruits?

When is the ideal time to have fruits?

Breakfast or lunch? Read on to know the perfect time to have fruits.

When is the ideal time to have fruits? Image Source : FREEPIKFruits

An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Not just apple but every fruit is essential to include in your diet regularly, but the catch is when to have fruits. Yes, people usually think since fruits are nutritious they will be beneficial for health when consumed anytime. But this isn’t true. You need to have a specific time to have a fruit diet for different fruits. So, here we are to help you decide when is the best time for you to eat fruit to maximize their benefits

At breakfast

Starting your day with a glass of warm water and fruit has been the trend for years now. A bowl of fruit for breakfast could be a great idea but make sure you divide your meal accordingly to avoid over exceeding your sugar and calorie intake.

Nibble between breakfast and lunch

Most of us feel hungry between breakfast and lunch, so snacking on citrus could be a great idea. Add a cup of green tea and we assure you will feel satiated!

Skip the dessert

Have a sweet tooth after your meals? Quite relatable. Instead of munching on that Apple pie why not munch on fruit; nowadays fruit like Mangoes, melon, pineapple are summer favourites so who needs a dessert! Enjoy the sugar rush, and keep fit all at the same time! Triple Whammy Y'all!

The pre and post-workout fruit

While a banana could make a great pre-workout fruit giving you the energy boost you need to go the extra mile, an orange or an apple post-workout is just the low-calorie fruit you are looking for, to keep you full while you get your dinner ready.

A no-fruit-night is a good night

Ever heard someone say I had watermelon for dinner? Yes, consuming fruits before bedtime is definitely a NO-NO since it hinders your sleep schedule owing to the spike in energy it brings to your body.

With inputs from IANS.