News Health What are the early signs of kidney issues? Know the importance of regular check-ups from expert

What are the early signs of kidney issues? Know the importance of regular check-ups from expert

Regular medical checkups are very important for early detection and taking preventive measures for any kidney problems.

kidney issues Image Source : FREEPIK Know the importance of regular check-ups to detect kidney issues early.

Our kidneys are the superheroes of our body that work tirelessly lifetime to remove toxins and control essential bodily functions. However, we usually take these important organs for granted. When something goes wrong, then only we become aware of their true importance. That is why according to Dr Sujit Chatterjee, CEO at Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, Mumbai, regular medical checkups are the safest way to tackle any issue earlier and to maintain our body's health and well-being. 

Understanding Kidney Health 

Kidneys are the primary organs that balance the level of minerals in our body. It helps in removing toxins from the body, managing excess salts, and excreting waste materials from the body by maintaining blood pressure levels, electrolyte levels, and red blood cell synthesis. If the kidney functioning gets disturbed, multiple kidney issues like high blood pressure, kidney failure, and health problems arise. 

The Silent Threat

Kidney issues will silently develop without presenting any symptoms in the early stages. By the time symptoms get tracked, the condition may have significantly deteriorated. Before any issue gets escalated, it is better to visit your doctor for routine medical check-ups. 

Common Kidney Disorders: As time flies, the kidneys start losing their ability to function normally. Diseases like diabetes,  hypertension, or some genetic disorders may arise after gradual loss of kidney functioning. Through routine medical checkups, early stages of CKD can be detected and can be cured through medicines and some lifestyle changes.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): If neglected at early stages, UTIs can be detected in kidney functions. UTIs can be quickly identified and regular medical checkups can easily treat it also unless any more serious kidney problems develop. 

Kidney Stones: The urinary tract can be blocked by the painful crystalline formations creating discomfort and potentially leading to kidney damage. The only solution is regular checkups which can identify the risk factors earlier and can take preventive measures in action.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): PKD is a genetic condition identified by the development of fluid-filled kidney cysts. Early detection by regular health checkups can help symptom management and early action can be taken.

The Role of Regular Check-ups 

Blood Pressure Monitoring: High blood pressure is the main cause of kidney disease. That is why during routine checkups, blood pressure readings are monitored enabling timely intervention to control hypertension.

Urine Analysis: The condition of the kidneys can be revealed by examining the urine for protein, blood, or signs of infection. This simple method can help in detecting early kidney issues. 

Blood Tests: Kidney dysfunctionality can be tracked by evaluating blood tests so that blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels can be determined to understand how well kidneys are functioning.

Imaging Studies: Early kidney issues can be detected with the help of ultrasound or other imaging studies that can help detect structural irregularities or obstructions in the urinary tract. 

Prevention is Key

Regular medical checkups are very important for early detection and taking preventive measures for any kidney problems. Doctors usually prescribe a personalized balanced diet, adequate hydration, and regular exercising habits as major kidney-friendly lifestyle tips.

It's high time that we should give kidneys proper attention as they are crucial to our overall health. Before any major issue arises, it's very important to detect and preserve kidney health and identify the problem at early stages through routine checkups. By prioritising routine visits, we take proactive steps toward protecting our kidneys and securing a healthier, happier future. Your kidneys will thank you and your overall health if you give priority to routine examinations and will not wait for symptoms to appear by taking preventive measures in adopting minimal lifestyle changes.

ALSO READ: Minor lifestyle decisions affect the wellness of our kidneys, explains expert