News Health Weight loss to healthy heart: Know 5 health benefits of including peanuts in your diet

Weight loss to healthy heart: Know 5 health benefits of including peanuts in your diet

Want to lose weight and keep your heart healthy? include peanuts in your diet. Read on to know more health benefits of them.

Weight loss to healthy heart: Know 5 health benefits of including peanuts in your diet Image Source : FREEPIKHealth benefits of peanuts

Peanuts are a crunchy and tasteful form of snack from the family of legumes and are a rich source of a lot of nutrients. Although it is usually mistaken to be a nut but it belongs to the category of beans just like peas. They are deolicious foods which can be included in almost any Indian recipe like poha, khichdi, bhelpuri and more in form of an ingredient. Peanuts contain iron, calcium, zinc and many other important minerals which our body needs regularly and therefore, come with ample amounts of health benefits including weight loss and good heart health. This make them one of the go-to foods whenever you feel like snacking. So, here we are with a list of 5 reasons for you to include peanuts in your regular diet. Take a look:

Good for your heart healthy

Peanuts help in decreasing the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol which reduces the risk of strokes and other heart diseases.

Helps in weight loss

Peanuts contain fibre and proteins which makes you feel full easily and leads to reducing your appetite. This eventually helps you avoid binge eating unnecessarily.

Good for your brain

Peanuts are rich in vitamin B3 and possess a type of flavonoid which improve your brain’s functioning by increasing the blood flow.

Healthy for diabetics

Peanuts have a good source of manganese which regulates your blood sugar levels making them an ideal snack for diabetes patients.

Cures stress and anxiety

Peanuts release a brain chemical known as serotonin which helps in regulating your mood. Therefore, having peanuts can put your depression symptoms stress and anxiety at a bay.