News Health Vitamin C may protect you against air pollution and COVID-19 virus: Know 5 foods which are rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C may protect you against air pollution and COVID-19 virus: Know 5 foods which are rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C has many health benefits including that it saves you from the polluted air and can also shield you from the ongoing COVID-19 virus. Read on to know the 5 foods which the natural sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin C may protect you against air pollution and COVID-19 virus: Know 5 vitamin C- rich foods Image Source : FREEPIKVitamin C can protect from air pollution and COVID-19 virus

Vitamin C has tons of health benefits like it is good for your skin, has anti-geing properties, keeps your blood sugar levels in control and more. But one of the benefits which are need of the hour is that it may save you from the air pollution and COVID-19 virus. Yes, according to a study 11% increase in COVID-19 deaths are linked to polluted air. As many as 15% deaths due to coronavirus have bad air quality as one of the reasons. Vitamin C protects you from harmful toxins and free radicals in the air and also increases your immunity which will help you fight the viruses and diseases.

There we are with a list of 5 vitamin C rich foods that you need to include in your diet to stay safe.


Oranges have good amount of vitamin C in them. Just one orange can properly suffice your daily requirement of this nutrient. 


Lemon is one of the most common natural sources of this vitamin. You can have a lemon juice or can squeeze the pulb directly in your mouth as well. However, it is recommended that you half lemon juice mixed with warm water so that it will be more beneficial.


Guava is rich in vitamin C and has 209% of your body's requirement of this nutrient. It is also a fruit which is diet friendly as it contains just 38 calories.

Bell pepper

Bell peppers exactly suffice your daily requirement of vitamin C. Out of the yellow, green and red ones, most quantity of this vitamin is found in the yellow bell peppers.


Broccoli contains a lot of other vitamins and nutrients apart from vitamin C. It is considered one of the healthiest green vegetable with just 31 calories.