News Health 'Stop Thinking and Start Doing': How mental health can impact people’s life and success?

'Stop Thinking and Start Doing': How mental health can impact people’s life and success?

The idea of success, being purposeful, achieving goals and staying motivated may look quite grim and elusive. But the fact really is that for us to spring-back and come out of this situation it is imperative that we adjust our lens and focus-back on our dreams and aspirations and start all over again with new enthusiasm. 

How mental health can impact people’s life and success? Image Source : FREEPIKHow mental health can impact people’s life and success?

Triggered by the ongoing global pandemic, mental health issues across the world have spiked due to the loss of jobs, loved ones and lack of social lives.  According to the Global Burden of Disease study, anxiety, mood, trauma, and stress-related disorders are fast becoming the prime contributors to mental health illnesses world-over. With excessive free time in hand, people are unable to manage or productively consume their time, which is leading to frustration, dullness and depression. 

While everyone has a choice to invest this time wisely and develop or explore new skill-sets and hobbies, people are still choosing to spend time on wasteful and passive pursuits like scrolling social media, watching Netflix, playing online games, which is although on one hand helping them stay-off the negative sentiments, however, is still is causing a huge psychological shift. 

In such a situation, the idea of success, being purposeful, achieving goals and staying motivated may look quite grim and elusive. But the fact really is that for us to spring back and come out of this situation it is imperative that we adjust our lens and focus back on our dreams and aspirations and start all over again with new enthusiasm. 

Now how do we really break away from this pattern or downward spiral of negativity and recharge ourselves? Here are some quick tips for you to ‘Stop Thinking and Start Doing’-

Pause negative thoughts and focus on the ‘WHY’.  Most people around the globe spend their time thinking more and doing less, so one of the foremost steps is to redirect or channelize your thoughts towards positive self-talk. Instead of questioning yourself - HOW will this happen? WHAT should I do? WHAT if something goes wrong ? Begin with the ‘WHY’, i.e. Why must I do this? Why, is this so important? Why, will I fail? As the ‘Why’ of anything helps in revealing the core and purpose, which gives an empowering context to head start.  

“Procastinate, later!” : Yes, if you need to procrastinate something about something then just ‘PROCASTINATE’ that something. Most, people doubt their every move or are too self-analytical or critical, they tend to reject themselves at every step, and look more at the negative aspects, imaginary failures and fears which affect them deeply. This inhibits them from taking even simplest and smallest actions. It’s my firm belief no one can become successful without taking risks or a just a leap of faith. To err is human and so you must too. Taking the plunge and making the beginning will help you win the battle, half way through! 

“Overthinking leads to paralysis by analysis”-Yes, it’s proven that overthinking has a very lasting and negative impact on the quality of our life, well-being, happiness quotient which can then have an impact on our heart & brain cells which can eventually leads to physical breakdown. Thinking or worrying too much about the future can create ‘brain fog’ making a person numb to act. It can pull you into its gravity, disconnecting you away from ‘the now in life’ eventually distancing you from your dear ones. Overthinking is certainly a big huddle in the way of success and can totally sap your energy, making you weak and inept to take decisions. 

‘Don’t fear Failure, it’s a part of the game’ : Successful people learn from their mistakes, they are never afraid of failures because they know with every failure or rejection always comes a lesson and understanding of ‘how not to do the things’. 

“Take care of your brain as much as your body”: Our guiding force, nerve-center of all action and information; it’s imperative that we nourish and nurture our brain just the way we do to our body. Keeping your brain clutter-free, enthused with positive stimuli, and boosted with correct thinking can help elevate your cerebral capabilities, which can then enhance your retention power, decision-making capabilities, learning & problem-solving abilities, and power to deal with anxieties and worries in a more meaningful way. Meditation is one such powerful tool, that helps keep your brain relaxed, balanced, gives you mental agility to deal with any kind of anxiety & fear. Many other self-fulfilling activities like playing board or strategy games, spending time with nature, gardening, travelling to new places, dancing, drawing, coloring, learning music or an instrument, or pursuing an art form can help soothe your pulses and create new patterns of wellness and success, as it taking your brain in deep meditative space. 

“Small steps to big accomplishments”: Setting smaller targets and achieving them is a bigger joy, than setting big, unrealistic, and overwhelming targets which are then seldom achieved. Always start with small steps as they create a sense of accomplishment, success, pride and motivates you to go further up. 

‘Be open to Mentoring’ - “A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out.” So having a mentor by your side who can help you hone your talent and skill, provide you with valuable feedback and reviews, put you on a course correction, during your journey, can be of immense value. As every student needs a teacher! 

So, stop thinking and start doing to achieve the life of your dreams and success will be your partner. 

“For the biggest worry is not the action, but only inaction” ~Winston Churchill


(This article is attributed to Amandeep Thind, International Speaker, Trainer)

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not reflect the views of India TV)