News Health Relieve lower back and shoulder pain with yoga, pranayam: Swami Ramdev

Relieve lower back and shoulder pain with yoga, pranayam: Swami Ramdev

Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev, in an exclusive interaction with India TV, said that doing yoga amid the lockdown is as important as staying indoors to keep the deadly disease at bay.

Are you suffering from lower back pain and body ache, then instead of taking painkillers you should practice some effective yoga asanas. Yoga stretches play an important role to relieve back pain. It strengthens your back and spine. Yog Guru Swami Ramdev, in an exclusive interaction with India TV, said that doing yoga and the lockdown is as important as staying indoors to keep the deadly disease at bay. He also showcased effective yoga poses and pranayam that aid in getting rid of body ache and lower back pain.

Yoga can be helpful for back pain in a number of different ways: clearing the mind by focusing on the present moment, moving the body mindfully to build strength and flexibility of the spine and breathing deeply.

The breath is an integral part of our yoga practice and pranayama is the formal practice of controlling the breath. PRANA can be explained as life force, energy or Qi, whilst AYAMA is the sanskrit word for ‘extension’.