News Health Monsoon Illnesses: 5 effective home remedies to keep respiratory infections at bay

Monsoon Illnesses: 5 effective home remedies to keep respiratory infections at bay

These are just some of the ways you can use home remedies to avoid respiratory infections during monsoon season.

respiratory infections Image Source : FREEPIKThese are the home remedies to keep respiratory infections at bay during monsoon.

It’s that time of the year again! The monsoon is here and with it comes the ever-looming threat of respiratory infections. From colds and flu to bronchitis and asthma, monsoon season can be difficult for those with weakened immune systems. But there's nothing to be scared of, there are several simple home remedies that you can use to keep your respiratory system healthy and free from infections.

Here, we will explore 5 home remedies that you can use to keep respiratory infections at bay during monsoon season.

Use Turmeric: One of the oldest and most trusted home remedies for respiratory infections is turmeric. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which makes it an excellent remedy for treating colds, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. To make a turmeric remedy at home, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk or water and drink it twice a day. You can also add ginger to the mixture for added benefits.

Drink Honey: Honey is a natural antiseptic, so it can be very effective in treating respiratory infections. It is also rich in antioxidants, which help boost the immune system. To get the most benefit from honey, add a spoonful of honey to a cup of warm water or tea and drink it twice a day.

Inhale Steam: Inhalation of steam is also an effective remedy for respiratory infections as it helps loosen phlegm and clear out the nasal passages. To make steam inhalation at home, boil some water in a pot and lean over it so that your face and head are directly over the pot. Drape a towel over your head to contain the steam and breathe it through your mouth for 10 minutes.

Stay Hydrated: It’s important to stay hydrated during monsoon season as this will keep your nasal passages clear and make it easier for your body to fight off infections. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as well as other fluids such as herbal teas or fruit juices.

Avoid Cold Foods: Eating cold foods such as ice cream or iced drinks can cause congestion in your nasal passages, making it easier for viruses and bacteria to get inside your body and cause infection. Try to avoid cold foods during the monsoon season and opt for warm soups or herbal teas instead.