News Health International Yoga Day 2020: Swami Ramdev teaches 21 advance yoga asanas for extreme fitness

International Yoga Day 2020: Swami Ramdev teaches 21 advance yoga asanas for extreme fitness

International Yoga Day 2020: This year the theme is 'Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family,' Swami Ramdev shows how to perform 21 advance yoga asanas. Not only this, he even shares 21 yoga mysteries that will help you to understand yoga deeply.

International Yoga Day 2020: Yoga is the solution to all your problems. Be it physical, mental, social, emotional, or psychological, make yoga a daily practice and feel the difference. In order to encourage yoga, PM Narendra Modi in his 2014 address at the UN General Assembly, proposed the International Yoga Day, the sixth edition of which will be celebrated on June 21, 2020. Ditching the mass gatherings due to COVID-19 pandemic, PM Modi sent his message while going live on digital media platforms and even performed various yoga asanas. As the theme of the year goes 'Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family,' Swami Ramdev came forward to teach 21 advance yoga poses in a special segment on India TV. Not only this, he even shares 21 yoga mysteries that will help you get to know the art form deeply. 

Swami Ramdev teaches 21 advance yoga asanas | LIVE

Swami Ramdev supports PM Modi's appeal to make yoga a part of your daily life and battle coronavirus.  

Begin your day with sukshma vyayamas, followed by pranayamas and yoga asanas daily. to keep the body fit and healthy.

Swami Ramdev shows 21 asanas to keep the body fit. He suggests starting with Nataraj asana, dwipad skandhasana and purna chakrasana.  They make the body healthy by ensuring proper blood circulation and treating diseases like diabetes. They also help in gaining muscles.

Swami Ramdev teaching yoga on India TV

Followed by Mayur and Mayuri asanas. Swami Ramdev shares that these asanas strengthen and energize many organs, including stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It also tones up digestive organs.

Swami Ramdev shares that doing surya namaskar every morning helps in keeping the body away from many diseases. It brings down sugar and blood pressure levels and ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Pranayamas helps in strengthening the respiratory system which helps battle the novel coronavirus. Swami Ramdev says everyone should do kapalbhati, anulom vilom and bhastrika pranayamas every morning to sharpen the mind and strengthen the body. While Kapalbhati and anulom vilom help make the core strong, bhramari helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

On International Yoga Day 2020, PM Narendra Modi said, "All of us are doing yoga at home with the family. Yoga unifies people, unifies the world. Yoga is helping us in this fight against this pandemic. The pranayamas help us in building immunity and resolving respiratory illnesses."

Swami Ramdev appreciates PM Narendra Modi for taking yoga to a global level. During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed the idea of Yoga Day on 27th September 2014. On June 21, 2015, the first Yoga Day was celebrated.

Rajat Sharma, Editor-in-Chief and Chairman, India TV, also performed yoga asanas to mark International Yoga Day 2020.

Rajat Sharma, Editor-in-Chief and Chairman, India TV, performing yoga asanas on International Yoga Day 2020

Swami Ramdev says "Yoga unifies communities, makes nation stronger" He claims that yoga has no religion and everyone should practice it.

Swami Ramdev furthers suggests doing naukasana, shashaksana, ushtrasana, vakrasana, setu bandhasana, sarvangasana and pawanmukta asanas for improving the overall health of the body. 

Swami Ramdev says 'Yoga in Daily Life' should be the motto of everyone to keep the country disease-free.