News Health International Yoga Day 2020: Benefits of yoga in treating depression and anxiety

International Yoga Day 2020: Benefits of yoga in treating depression and anxiety

As the world celebrates sixth International Yoga Day on June 21 with the theme of ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family’, it should not be forgotten that many are grappling with mental health issues while living an isolated life due to the lockdown.

yoga, mental health, depression, international yoga day 2020 Image Source : YOGAWITHPANKKAJKnow how yoga can help in the battle with depression and anxiety.

Depression is a silent killer and the ongoing pandemic and ensuing lockdown to curb its spread has made the situation more grave. As the world celebrates sixth International Yoga Day on June 21 with the theme of ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family’, it should not be forgotten that many are grappling with mental health issues while living an isolated life. The Coronavirus pandemic has brought uncertainty to almost everything, especially future, job and livelihood. People are finding it difficult to keep their sanity intact. But do you know, one can ease depression and anxiety by doing yoga at home. The importance of counselling and medication is undeniable. However, you can accelerate the healing process by doing yoga simultaneously.

In a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine by researchers from the University of South Australia in partnership with the Federal University of Santa Maria, UNSW Sydney, Kings College London and Western Sydney University, it was found that movement-based yoga can improve mental health.

Well, for the unversed, movement yoga is where people are physically active for at least 50 per cent of the time.

“As self-isolation escalates and people find themselves working from home and unable to physically catch up with their friends and family, we’re likely to see more people feel lonely and disconnected,” Jacinta Brinsley, lead researcher, University of South Australia said in a statement.

According to Swami Ramdev, yoga can help ease anxiety and depression. He suggests doing the following pranayamas to relieve stress:

  • Kapalbhati
  • Anulom Vilom
  • Bhramari
  • Bhastrika
  • Sheetali
  • Sheetkari
  • Udgith
  • Nadi Shuddhi
  • Abhyantar

Home remedies to relieve stress:

Seeds of Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, Khas, Gulab, Arjuna, Gokhuru, Fennel, Kauncha are considered beneficial. In case you are suffering from insomnia, make khus khus, makhana milk kheer and have it in the evening.

Ayurvedic tips to get rid of stress:

Consume medhawati

Take Ashwagandha

Soak almonds and walnuts overnight. Have them in the morning.

Take Amrit Rasayana

Yogasanas to get rid of depression

Sheershasana- This asana keeps the whole body active. It helps reduce stress hormones.\

Halasan - Reduces stress and fatigue.

Mandukasana - This asana controls blood pressure, helps relieve stress and fatigue.

Matsyasana- Matsyasana improves blood circulation and helps to keep the lungs healthy. Strengthens the body.

Bhujgansana - Ensures that oxygen is properly supplied to the lungs.

Balasana - Removes stiffness from back and body, controls blood pressure and eliminates stress and tension.