News Technology Google Photos to soon introduce cinematic photo feature for users: All details

Google Photos to soon introduce cinematic photo feature for users: All details

In Google Photos, users will be able to access the cinematic photo feature by tapping the 'Utilities' button in the Library tab, allowing them to convert regular photos into cinematic ones.

google photos on demand cinematic photos, photos app, google news, tech news, google apps, tech news Image Source : FILEGoogle Photos to soon introduce cinematic photo feature for users: All details

Google is reportedly testing a new feature in its photo-sharing and storage service, Google Photos. According to the reports from Android Police, some users have noticed an on-demand cinematic effect feature within the app. The option to create cinematic photos can be found under the 'Utilities' section in the Library tab of Google Photos.

With this new feature, users can select a photo of their choice and specify the duration they desire for the resulting video. The app then generates a slow-motion zoom animation based on the selected image. The quality of the cinematic effect will vary depending on the original image chosen.

This new feature adds a creative dimension to Google Photos, allowing users to bring their still images to life with cinematic effects. By transforming a static photo into a dynamic video, users can enhance their visual storytelling and create more engaging content.

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In addition to this cinematic photo feature, Google previously introduced the AI-powered 'Magic Eraser' tool in Google Photos. Initially made available to Google One subscribers, both on Android and iOS, as well as all Pixel users in February, this tool provides a seamless solution for removing unwanted elements from photos.

The Magic Eraser tool uses artificial intelligence to identify and eliminate distractions within pictures. Whether it's a photo bomber or unwanted power lines, users can easily erase these elements from their images. The tool also allows users to circle or brush over other objects they want to remove, and the AI algorithm intelligently makes them disappear, further simplifying the editing process.

As of now, it is unclear when the cinematic photo feature will be available to all Google Photos users. However, this latest development indicates that Google is actively exploring ways to enhance its photo service and provide users with more creative options and editing tools.

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