News Technology Gadgets Hot selling Tech toys for Christmas 2019 on Amazon, Flipkart

Hot selling Tech toys for Christmas 2019 on Amazon, Flipkart

Best selling toys for Christmas 2019: Here's a list of the best toys you can gift your children this festive season

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Christmas 2019 is just around the corner, which means it is time to buy gifts for children. In the era where we are fascinated by the latest technology, even the kids want something related to technology. Since they cannot be playing around with a tablet or mobile phone at this age, here are some toys that will definitely bring in the wow factor. These types of toys are available on both Flipkart and Amazon.


When drones arrived for the first time, they were used for professional use cases like a video shoot. However, with the developing technology, companies have even developed small-sized drones that children can play with. There are different versions available, with a camera or without and these versions have different types of speed and height they can reach. These types of toys will not only bring joy but also make kids curious about the technology behind.

Remote Control Cars

Remote controlled cars have been there for a long time now. However, they still remain one of the first options for children below the age of 7 years. The RC cars come with a remote control that works on 2.4Ghz frequency. There's a wide range of cars, bikes and trucks available with remote control capabilities.

Mini Robots

During our childhood, robots felt like a part of a Sci-Fi movie and nothing more than that. Now, the kids are lucky that engineers have not only developed industrial robots, but also robots for children. These robots come equipped with a proximity sensor, which helps them follow the person around the house. Also, they have LED lights that can show cute expressions on the front glass.

Smart Speakers

Apart from toys, one can even get a new smart speaker. Amazon Echo Dot and the Google Home Mini are not only small and affordable but also kids friendly. These smart speakers are intelligent enough to understand what the kids say and they can even play voice games, stories and rhymes for the children.