News Politics National PM Modi interacts with students at Dantewada, asks them to focus on their goals

PM Modi interacts with students at Dantewada, asks them to focus on their goals

Dantewada: Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in Dantewada  on Saturday amid reports of Naxals taking over 200 villagers hostage in the region. PM visited an education city at Jwanga built for providing education to under-privileged

pm modi interacts with students at dantewada asks them to focus on their goals pm modi interacts with students at dantewada asks them to focus on their goals

Dantewada: Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in Dantewada  on Saturday amid reports of Naxals taking over 200 villagers hostage in the region. PM visited an education city at Jwanga built for providing education to under-privileged children in the area and interacted with students there.The prime Minister advised students to remain focused on their goals and not to judge their life through the prism of success or failure.

Interacting with school students,  Modi told them that he saw 125 cr Indians as his family members and working for them never tires him. While answering a student's question on how he dealt with stress after working for 18 hours a day, he said he never counts the number of hours he works.

Also Read: Chattisgarh: PM Modi visits Naxal-affected Dantewada today

Chhattiisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh also accomapnied the Prime Minister. The education city that spreads across 100 acres and costs  around Rs 120 crore has capacity of providing  residential and classroom educational facilities to 5,000 students.  Here is the excerpt of what prime minister told the students.

• Very often, more than one's own experiences the experiences of others can shape a person.
• I never calculate how many hours I work because the moment one does that it is not so enjoyable.
• One has to remain focused on work, and only after it is done can we feel relaxed.
• One can never get tired while working. What tires a person is not being able to work. The more one works its better.
• When we live for our own people, one cannot get tired. The people of India are my own. Won't I feel happy to work for them?
• We need to learn from failures. Only then does success become possible.
• My life has been this way. I keep coming across success and failure. I keep learning from my failures and never give up on my attempts to succeed.
• I don't think life should be judged through the prism of success or failure. When we do that, disappointment sets in.
• Failure is the natural consequence of trying. It means delay and not defeat.
• Does any of you have dreams to become successful in sports?
• Or, does each one of you want to study and become babus?
• Don't dream of 'becoming' doctors or engineers. Dream of working as doctors or engineers.

Modi will also visit a livelihood college, that has been imparting necessary skills to young men and women living in Dantewada to help them get suitable employment opportunities