News Lifestyle What is your 'Love Type'? Find out!

What is your 'Love Type'? Find out!

Have you ever given thought to this 'Love' thing? Will you just answer a simple question for me before reading this article? In a sentence or two, define love to me? Please spare me those

Joy of Giving

Can we just keep the extra dose of giving away for the 'Santa Claus'! For most part of relationship if you have been the giver in your relationship, then its payback time!

What's the point of that selfless love for your partner if you aren't the one getting loved backed at all? Who's gonna look after you?  Who's gonna love you back the way you always wanted to?

No, even you can't love your self, coz hey... you have been busy giving away your love to your partner. For a healthy relationship, it is always give and take.