News Lifestyle What is your 'Love Type'? Find out!

What is your 'Love Type'? Find out!

Have you ever given thought to this 'Love' thing? Will you just answer a simple question for me before reading this article? In a sentence or two, define love to me? Please spare me those

what is your love type find out what is your love type find out
Have you ever given thought to this 'Love' thing? Will you just answer a simple question for me before reading this article? In a sentence or two, define love to me?

Please spare me those bookish things coz, i already have access to ‘Wikipedia', ‘Oxford Dictionary' and well piles of paper printed with 'Famous movie dialogues'; so this time just be true and explain what does love mean to you?

As per experts there are about six different ways in which you can be “in love” and the best thing about this article is that here you would get a chance to evaluate your relationship.

If we as an individual get to understand about the kind of lover that we are, it would help us to inhibit more realistic expectations and would let us have a better understanding of what love is, how it happens and how it evolves.

To know better about you're personalize style of love, read on: