News Lifestyle 13 jokes you will totally relate to if you loved to hate Mathematics

13 jokes you will totally relate to if you loved to hate Mathematics

On this World Maths day, we are sharing these 13 maths jokes that you'll totally get if maths has made you cry too more than your mother/girlfriend/boyfriend combined!

13 jokes you will totally relate to if you loved to hate Mathematics 13 jokes you will totally relate to if you loved to hate Mathematics

We all have had struggles in life, but one was common in everyone's - Mathematics. The anxiety before the exam, the horror of practicing calculus, geometry and the head-scratching confusion when everyone else got 2 as an answer but yours was 375, maths has uprooted kaafi 'ache ache kheto ki mooli'.
So, On this World Maths day, we are sharing these 12 maths jokes that you'll totally get if maths has made you cry too more than your mother/girlfriend/boyfriend combined!

1. Why should you never talk to Pi?
Because she’ll go on and on and on forever.

2. Why should you worry about the math teacher holding graph paper?
She’s definitely plotting something.

3. What’s the best way to woo a math teacher?
Use acute angle.

4. My girlfriend is the square root of -100.
She’s a perfect 10, but purely imaginary.

5. How do you stay warm in any room?
Just huddle in the corner, where it’s always 90 degrees.

6. Why do math teachers love parks so much?
Because of all the natural logs.

7. Why was the math lecture so long?
The professor kept going off on a tangent.

8. Why are math books so darn depressing?
They’re literally filled with problems.

9. Where do mathematicians like to party?
In bar graphs.

10. Why DID seven eat nine?
Because you’re supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day!

11. Why couldn’t the angle get a loan?
His parents wouldn’t Cosine.

12. What do you call an angle that is adorable?
Acute angle.

13. Why does nobody talk to circles?
Because there is no point!

Happy World Mathematics Day peeps!