News Lifestyle Eating more veggies a day could reduce the risk of early menopause

Eating more veggies a day could reduce the risk of early menopause

Daily consumption of vegetable protein from foods such as whole grains, soybeans, broccoli, spinach and tofu could protect women from the risk of early menopause and may also prolong their reproductive function, researchers say.

Eating more veggies a day could reduce the risk of early menopause 
Eating more veggies a day could reduce the risk of early menopause

Daily consumption  of vegetable protein from foods such as whole grains, soybeans, broccoli, spinach and tofu could protect women from the risk of early menopause and may also prolong their reproductive function, researchers say.

Early or premature menopause is  the cessation of ovarian function before age 45. It affects about 10 per cent of women globally and is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and early cognitive decline. The average age of menopause in India is 48 years but as per a survey conducted by The Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC),Nearly 8% of Indian woman experience signs of menopause between 35 and 39 years of age.

The study, appearing in the American Journal of Epidemiology, showed that women consuming approximately 6.5 per cent of their daily calories as vegetable protein had a significant 16 per cent lower risk of early menopause compared to women whose intake was approximately four per cent.

For a woman with a 2,000 calorie per day diet, this was equal to three to four servings of such foods as enriched pasta, breakfast cereal, tofu and nuts, or about 32.5 grams a day, the researchers explained.

However, no similar relation to eating animal sources of protein was observed.


"A better understanding of how dietary vegetable protein intake is associated with ovarian ageing may identify ways for women to modify their risk of early onset menopause and associated health conditions," said lead author Maegan Boutot from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. 

For the study, the team evaluated the relationship between diet and risk of early menopause among 116,000 women aged 25-42 years.