News Lifestyle Food Holi 2023: Why people drink bhang on Holi and what are its benefits?

Holi 2023: Why people drink bhang on Holi and what are its benefits?

Bhang is a traditional beverage that is consumed during the Hindu festival of Holi in India. Bhang has been a part of Holi celebrations for centuries, and it is believed to have numerous health benefits.

Holi 2023: Why people drink bhang on Holi and what are its benefits? Image Source : ARCHANA'S KITCHENHoli 2023: Why people drink bhang on Holi and what are its benefits?

Bhang is considered to be a spiritual drink and is often used in religious ceremonies. It is a traditional drink consumed during Holi celebrations in India. The use of bhang during Holi dates back to ancient times and is an integral part of the festival. It is important to consume bhang in moderation as excessive consumption can lead to adverse effects. It is made from the leaves and flowers of the female cannabis plant, which are ground into a paste and mixed with milk, spices, and sweeteners. Here is the reason why people eat bhang on Holi.

Reasons why bhang is consumed on Holi. 

It is believed to have medicinal properties and is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body. This is particularly important during Holi, a festival known for its boisterous celebrations and playful pranks. It is believed to be the favourite drink of Lord Shiva, who is worshipped during Holi.

The consumption of bhang during Holi is a deeply rooted tradition that has been practised for centuries, and it is seen as a way to enhance the festive spirit and promote social interaction among friends and family. It is a traditional drink made with cannabis leaves, milk, and spices. While many people consume bhang for its euphoric effects, it also offers several health benefits.

Benefits of Bhang

1- Relieves stress and anxiety: Bhang has a relaxing effect on the body and helps in reducing stress and anxiety. It is also known to promote better sleep.

2- Aids digestion: Bhang is a digestive stimulant and helps in relieving stomach problems such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation.

3- Relieves pain and inflammation: Bhang has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to alleviate pain caused by conditions such as arthritis.

4- Boosts immunity: Bhang is rich in antioxidants that help in strengthening the immune system and fighting off infections.

5- Improves respiratory health: Bhang has bronchodilator properties, which means it can help in opening up the airways and improving respiratory health.

The effects of bhang can vary depending on the dosage and the individual's tolerance. Some people may experience a feeling of euphoria, relaxation, increased sociability, and heightened sensory perception.