News Lifestyle Food Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a cup of coffee, top 5 benefits of drinking coffee

Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a cup of coffee, top 5 benefits of drinking coffee

Beverage Trends: The more sensitive you are to the bitter taste of caffeine, the more coffee you tend to drink -here's why!

Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a cup of coffee, top 5 benefits of drinking coffee Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a cup of coffee, top 5 benefits of drinking coffee

There are only two kinds of people in this world -chai drinkers or coffee lovers. While the percentage of both the kinds are almost equal -people prefer coffee for its effect on the human body.

If a study is to be believed, the more sensitive you are to the bitter taste of caffeine, the more coffee you tend to drink.

ANI reports researchers as saying that coffee consumers acquire a taste or the ability to detect caffeine because of the learned positive reinforcement which caffeine elicits. This means that people who have the ability to taste coffee's bitterness, and the distinct flavour of caffeine are likely to associate good things with it.

The study, published in journal of Scientific Reports, that people who avoided coffee were the ones who are sensitive to flavours of quinine and PROP (which is a synthetic taste related to compounds in cruciferous vegetables).

Speaking of alcohol, higher sensitivity to bitterness of PROP resulted in lower consumption of alcohol, particularly red wine. It is actually our genetics which informs us about our preference for coffee, tea, alcohol, or the perception of bitter tastes.

Having a cup of coffee is surely beneficial and mentioned below are a few reasons to include it in your every day's life!

Boosts your creative genes

Coffee helps people feel less tired and gives a boost to energy levels. This happens because of caffeine - the psychoactive stimulant. Caffeine blocks inhibitory neurotransmitter in your brain which results in a stimulant effect. This can also boost your mood and various other aspects of the brain.

Better physical performance

Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and makes fat cells break down body fat. It also increases levels of adrenaline in the blood, which results in significant improvement in physical performance.

Lessen risk of type 2 diabetes

There are some studies which show that coffee can help in reducing risks of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition which affects millions of people across the world.

Helps improve liver

Coffee can be good for your liver, as far as you don't go overboard with its consumption. Make sure you don't drink more than 2-to-3 cups of coffee in a day.

Burns extra calories

Finally, one reason that is beneficial for all of us -coffee aids fat burning. Several studies have been done which show that coffee can improve your metabolic rate and increase fat burning.

(ANI Inputs)

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