News Lifestyle Food 4 Indian superfoods that give tough competition to imported ones

4 Indian superfoods that give tough competition to imported ones

Superfoods are nutritionally dense and therefore beneficial for one's health.

Indian superfoods Indian superfoods

The concept of superfood is gradually gaining popularity. Superfoods are nutritionally dense and therefore beneficial for one's health. Items which have got the tag of superfoods are salmon, kale, icai, blueberries, etc. They are generally powerhouses of high doses of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc. Including them in your daily diet can reduce the risk of chronic disease and keep infections at bay. Not only that, nutrionists and social media lovers always post pictures of these foods as they are low on calorie as well.

You can call it a fad but let us tell you that this one is here to stay because of the 'desi' factor. If you think superfoods are only imported ones, then you are wrong. For Indian superfoods, you just have to look into your kitchen or listen to your grandma's words. Plus, they are also easy on the pocket. So kick aside chia, kale, quinoa, blueberries, etc and go for the Indian options

Rich in Vitamin C, Amla is an excellent alternative of Goji berries. Besides being easily available, it is cheap and has abundance of nutrients which fosters a healthy body. It helps in digestion and strengthens heart and lungs. Amla also keeps urinary infections at bay.


Trust us! It is one of the superfoods and has gained global recognition. Rich in nutrients, it has no carbohydrates, sodium, sugar, fiber and protein. If consumed regularly, ghee boosts immunity, enhances brain function and prevents certain cancers as well.


Popped seeds of the lotus plant or gorgon nut or Makhana, as it is popularly known, are rich source of protein, fiber, carbohydrates, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and zinc. Low in fat and sodium, they are light like cotton puffs and are good for those mid night cravings. Carry it in your bag and munch it whenever you feel like having something. It is useful for those suffering from heart disease, obesity or high blood pressure. If these things weren't enough, it also contains anti-ageing enzyme which helps in repairing damaged protein.


Indian Amaranth
If you consider quinoa as supergrain of the century, then Amaranth can give it a tough fight and even emerge as the winner. Though largely ignored, it is also known as Rajgira or Ramdana which also means food of the Gods. It contains plenty of iron, fibre, zinc, calcium, etc and is also pocket friendly.
