News Lifestyle Books & Culture PART 2 | 5 Best English Books to Enhance Your Reading, Writing, and Speaking

PART 2 | 5 Best English Books to Enhance Your Reading, Writing, and Speaking

To learn any new language, it is important to cover the key aspects of reading, writing, and speaking.

PART 2 | 5 Best English Books to Enhance Your Reading, Writing, and Speaking PART 2 | 5 Best English Books to Enhance Your Reading, Writing, and Speaking

While investing in language courses, connecting with a native speaker, or carrying a dictionary all the time are few methods to enhance your English language. But learning the language by studying it seems to be the best and easiest way.

Also Read -5 Best English Books to Enhance Your Reading, Writing, and Speaking

To learn any new language, it is important to cover the key aspects of reading, writing, and speaking. That's why we complied list of five handpicked advance English books only for you!

For Writing

1. The Elements of Style by William Strunk

This book was originally written in the year 1918 but the content is as useful and fresh to be used in our modern day writings. This same grammar book is also famously known by 'Strunk & White' book and should certainly be in your buying-list.

2. English Grammar in Use: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English -With Answers by Raymond Murphy

Raymond Murphy is a renonwned name when it comes to English grammar. This self-study reference and practice book given with answers is a great method to excel in your writing skills.

3. Oxford Word Skills Advanced Idioms & Phrasal Verbs by Ruth Gairns

Learning on new idioms and phrasal verbs help you to write creatively and also reflects your understanding towards language. This particular book is organized into 60 units presented in thematic modules giveing students the opportunity to personalise new vocabulary.

For Speaking

4. Advanced Spoken English (English Improvement for Success) by Madan Sood

This book is designed to focus on your speaking skills area. Advanced Spoken English is helpful for both the advanced and the average learners who have completed at least the basic course in English.

Tip: Join conversation clubs on weekends or participate in debates, poetry slams for your oral practice to further improve your speaking skills.

For Reading

5. Biography/Autobiography

As we explained earlier, reading habit develop gradually but is a significant aspect to understand a language. So now when you have surpassed that basic reading level, go and buy yourself some biographies or autobiographies of quintessential people.

Since novels generally follow a creative writing pattern, the approach of writing a biography or an autobiography is comparatively different. The suggestion to read such books is to make you aware of different reading materials available. This will help you choose the best book for you that keeps your reading-interest alive.

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