News Lifestyle Beauty What causes strawberry skin and how to get rid of it

What causes strawberry skin and how to get rid of it

Some effective treatment options for strawberry skin include using exfoliating scrubs, moisturizing regularly, and avoiding harsh soaps or cleansers. Topical medications such as retinoids and alpha-hydroxy acids can also help improve the appearance of strawberry skin.

Skin Image Source : FREEPIKWhat causes strawberry skin and how to get rid of it

Strawberry skin, also known as keratosis pilaris, is a common skin condition that affects many people worldwide. This condition is characterized by tiny, rough bumps that appear on the skin, resembling the texture of a strawberry. While the condition is generally harmless, it can be a source of self-consciousness and discomfort for those who have it. Fortunately, there are various ways to manage and improve the appearance of strawberry skin. Here are the causes of keratosis pilaris, its symptoms, and some effective treatment options to help you achieve smoother, healthier-looking skin.

Causes of Strawberry skin 

Waxing or shaving: Strawberry skin is not necessarily caused by every waxing or shaving session. However, using a dull razor or not using shaving foam can result in bumps, razor burns, and potential infection of hair follicles. Shaving against the direction of hair growth can also cause ingrown hairs, leading to a strawberry skin appearance on the arms.

Dry skin: If the skin is excessively dry for an extended period, it can become irritated and develop folliculitis, which can cause the skin to appear dark and contribute to the development of strawberry skin.

Clogged pores: The arms and legs contain numerous pores that can become clogged with debris, dead skin, and bacteria, leading to a buildup of oxidized oil on the surface of the skin. This accumulation of dirt often results in bumps and a strawberry skin texture.

How to get rid of strawberry skin:

Use a mild cleanser: The first step in managing strawberry skin is to use a mild cleanser to clean your hands. This will help eliminate bacteria from your pores without drying out your skin.

Use exfoliating scrubber: An exfoliating scrubber can be used to eliminate dead skin cells and unclog pores. Gently scrub for 1-2 minutes and rinse with water.

Cool showers: To prevent dryness and soothe the skin, take cool showers by adjusting the temperature.

Ensure pat drying: After bathing, it is recommended to gently pat dry instead of rubbing the skin with a rough towel. This helps to minimize redness and inflammation.

Vitamin A cream: For strawberry skin caused by clogged pores, Vitamin A or retinol cream can help stimulate new cell growth.


1. Is strawberry skin contagious?
No, strawberry skin is not contagious and cannot spread from person to person.

2. Does sun exposure worsen strawberry skin?
Yes, excessive sun exposure can make strawberry skin appear worse. It is important to protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing.