News Lifestyle Beauty How to use rice water for thick and shiny hair; know steps to make it at home

How to use rice water for thick and shiny hair; know steps to make it at home

Rinsing hair with nutritious fermented rice water offers strength and shine to hair. It also prevents dandruff, itchiness, and dryness.

rice water Image Source : FREEPIKHere's how to use rice water for thick and shiny hair

Rice water is a miraculous ingredient that makes hair glossy, thick, and lustrous. Rinsing hair with rice water is an old Japanese rite of soaking hair in fermented rice water to promote growth. Research has shown that rice has amino acids, vitamins, and proteins that can significantly enhance the health of hair, while inositol has been shown to help repair damaged hair.

Rice water has been used for centuries as a natural treatment for hair health and growth, but the practise is recently trending due to its wonderful and nutritious advantages.

 Being abundantly rich in vitamins B, C, E, and K, rice water is essential for healthy skin and hair cells. Antioxidants present in it shield the hair from breakage or split ends caused by environmental stressors. Amino acids can aid in the regeneration of damaged hair follicles and help with scalp problems such as itching, irritation, and dandruff.

Rice water has a high protein concentration, making it ideal for strengthening hair strands. It is ideal to avoid frizzing and tangling brought out by chemical products and heating hair appliances. It also has nourishing qualities and maintains moisture.

Wondering how to prepare rice water at home? 

Boil white rice in filtered water. Strain the rice grains and let cool before adding them to a spray bottle. Wash your hair thoroughly with your favourite mild shampoo. Then spray and soak your hair and scalp in rice water. Massage it gently for 5 minutes, leave it for 30 minutes, then wash it with plain cold water.

Rinse your hair with rice water once a week.

The miracle water enhances overall hair health, lessens breakage, fortifies the hair shaft and roots, enhances the suppleness of the scalp, and adds shine.
Nutrients such as protein and minerals are a natural therapy to treat flaky scalp and dandruff and help reduce inflammation and irritation.

Now that you know the benefits, prepare the fermented rice water at home to rinse your hair and make them shine.