News Lifestyle Beauty Holi 2024: Skincare tips for before and after the festival of colours

Holi 2024: Skincare tips for before and after the festival of colours

Celebrate Holi with vibrant colours and healthy skin! Dermatologist shares pre & post Holi skincare tips to protect your skin from dryness, irritation & allergies. Enjoy the festival with a radiant glow.

Holi skincare tips Image Source : GOOGLESkincare tips for before and after Holi

Holi, the vibrant festival of colours, is a time of joy and celebration. However, amid the fun and excitement, it's crucial to prioritise your skin's health. The colourful powders used during Holi can be harsh on your skin, leading to dryness, irritation, and even allergic reactions. To ensure your skin stays healthy and glowing throughout the festivities, skin expert Dr Aditi Wadhawa, MD Dermatologist, emphasises following these pre and post skin care tips.

Pre-Holi skin care:

Moisturise your skin: Start preparing your skin a few days before Holi by moisturising it regularly. Hydrated skin is less likely to absorb colours deeply, making it easier to wash them off later.

Cover acne-treated areas: If you're undergoing acne treatment, make sure to cover these areas with a non-comedogenic barrier cream or bandage. This will protect your skin from irritation caused by colours.

Choose skin-friendly colours: Opt for organic or skin-friendly colours that are free from toxic chemicals. These colours are gentler on your skin and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

Do a patch test: Before Holi, perform a patch test with the colours you plan to use. Apply a small amount of colour on your inner arm and wait for a few hours to check for any adverse reactions. Avoid using colours that cause itching, redness, or irritation.

Keep hair tied up: Tie your hair securely to prevent colours from getting entangled and causing damage. Use a scarf or bandana to cover your hair for added protection.

Avoid makeup: Refrain from wearing makeup while playing Holi. Makeup products can mix with colours and clog your pores, leading to breakouts and skin issues.

Post-Holi skin care:

Wash with gentle cleanser: After playing Holi, cleanse your skin using a mild and gentle cleanser. Avoid harsh soaps or scrubs that can strip away natural oils and further dry out your skin.

Use warm water: While washing off colours, use lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water can dehydrate your skin and exacerbate irritation caused by colours.

Gentle exfoliation: If you notice stubborn colour stains, opt for a gentle exfoliation using a soft cloth or a mild exfoliating scrub. Avoid rubbing too harshly, as it can irritate sensitive skin.

Hydrating mask: The day after Holi, pamper your skin with a hydrating mask or a soothing face pack. Ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, and honey can help replenish moisture and calm any inflammation.

By following these pre and post skin care tips, you can enjoy the festive spirit of Holi while keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Remember to listen to your skin's needs and prioritise gentle care to prevent any post-Holi skin woes.

ALSO READ: Holi 2024: 5 tips to celebrate the festival of colours in an eco-friendly way