News Health Yoga Day 2022: Know effective yoga asanas for children to increase height, sharpen memory & eyesight

Yoga Day 2022: Know effective yoga asanas for children to increase height, sharpen memory & eyesight

Yoga Day 2022: According to Swami Ramdev, by doing yoga, children become flexible and strong. They become more confident as they experience their body developing in a good way.

Yoga Day 2022 Image Source : FREEPIKYoga Day 2022

Every parent wishes their kids to have a sharp memory and a strong mind. With online classes and no physical activity in the last two and a half years due to covid lockdown, children became lazy. Practicing yogasanas at old age can be helpful to keep the body flexible and healty. Also, yoga helps to increase the height of children at the right age and make them active. Doing yoga daily also helps them to concentrate better on their studying. 

According to Swami Ramdev, by doing yoga, children become flexible and strong. They become more confident as they experience their body developing in a good way. Therefore, it is important that children do yoga daily, either in the morning or evening.

Yoga to Increase Height

Yoga asnas such as Tadasana, Sarvangasna, halasana and others help in increasing the height. Also, these yoga asanas, can sharpen the eyesight and memory of children.

Tadasana - By doing this asana, the height of the children will increase rapidly. This asana should be done for 5 to 10 minutes.

Sarvangasana - The entire body of children will remain healthy with this asana.

Halasan - This posture has got its name due to the shape of the plow of the farmer, which is used to dig the soil before farming. Performing this asana will help children get rid of obesity and will also help in increasing height.

Chakrasana- In this posture, the shape of a person is exactly like a chakra. By doing this asana, the bones become flexible as well as it helps in increasing the height.

Paschimottanasana- This asana treats kidney problems, along with muscle pain. It is very beneficial for children.

Sirsasana - This asana is popularly called a headstand. This results in proper circulation of blood in the brain with which children will be relieved of stress and memory will be increased.

Yoga for Concentration

Children who do not feel like studying and have trouble remembering anything, should do Vrikshasana and Sirsasana.

Yoga to increase eyesight

Do Anulom vilom for at least 5 minutes daily to have good eyesight.

Practice these Pranayamas to keep body and mind healthy:

  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhastrika
  • Bhramari
  • anulom vilom
  • Ujjayi
  • Sheetla
  • Sheetkari

It is also suggested that doing yogic jogging, sukshma vyayama and surya namaskar. They make the body flexible by reducing fat and are beneficial for chest and arm muscles. Also, they increase energy levels by detoxing the body.