News Health What is hypnic jerk? Know meaning & causes

What is hypnic jerk? Know meaning & causes

Hypnic jerk: It is common to feel as though you are falling from a great height when sleeping. As a result, it might be startling at times. Read to understand it in detail.

What is hypnic jerk? Know meaning & causes Image Source : FREEPIKWhat is hypnic jerk? Know meaning & causes

Sudden jerk in sleep is a common problem faced by many people. Sometimes people get so scared of this thing that they can't sleep again. But have you ever wondered why this happens? How suddenly you feel like falling down. Actually, it is all a game of your heart and mind. Read to learn all about it. 

Hypnic jerk in sleep?

In medical terms, hypnic jerks are called jerks in sleep. These hypnic jerks start in the same part of your brain that controls your startle response. When you fall asleep, sometimes neurons in the reticular brainstem misfire, causing a response that leads to hypnic jerks and the jolts you feel.

What causes hypnic jerks?

  • During sleep, your muscles completely relax. Even though this is a normal part of falling asleep, your brain mistakenly believes you are actually falling and reacts by twitching your muscles.
  • Many times, when your heart rate is low, your brain checks whether you are alive or not. In such a situation, he sends this message, due to which the body suddenly wakes up with a jolt.
  • Too much caffeine, intense exercise, emotional stress, and a lack of sleep can also cause it.

So don't ignore these things. Reduce stress, exercise, and try to avoid this problem. So, take care of all these things and stay healthy.