News Health How to protect yourself from the sun? Here are the tips to safeguard yourself from harmful rays

How to protect yourself from the sun? Here are the tips to safeguard yourself from harmful rays

Maximum protection from the sun's scorching rays. Here's how to keep your delicate skin safe from UV rays.

Tips to keep kids' delicate skin safe from harmful UV radiation. Image Source : FREEPIKTips to keep kids' delicate skin safe from harmful UV radiation.

Sun, sun, sunThe sun plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth yet it also emits ultraviolet radiation that can be detrimental to human health and these harmful UV rays are primarily responsible for various issues such as skin cancer, sunburn, eye damage, and premature aging. Although occasional sunburns are often unavoidable, it becomes crucial for parents to ensure maximum protection for their children against the sun's scorching rays. UV, or Ultra Violet, radiation is a set of invisible rays that are a part of the energy that comes from the sun.

There are 3 types of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVC is the most dangerous type of radiation; however, we are protected from it by the ozone layer. UVA and UVB are the two types of radiation that can penetrate the ozone layer and affect us the most. UV rays are normally the strongest from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM and during the spring/summer months.

Here are the tips to keep yourself safe from harmful UV rays:

1. Avoid Peak Sun Hours: 

It is advisable to seek shade during the sun's strongest hours, typically between 10 am and 4 pm in the northern hemisphere. If children are exposed to the sun during this period, remember to apply and reapply sunscreen, even during backyard play.

2. Utilise Sunscreen:

 Experts recommend that children, regardless of their skin tone, wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. It should be a broad-spectrum sunscreen, offering protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

3. Wear Sunglasses: 

The eyes are also susceptible to sun damage. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to cataracts later in life. To protect the eyes, ensure children wear sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection. 

4. Be careful in a car:

It is believed that car glasses do not let UV rays enter but that is not completely true. The rays penetrate even through those glasses. Protect yourself from the sun by applying sunscreen and clothes that cover your skin completely.

5. Wear proper clothing:

Long-sleeved shirts, pants, and a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Yes, your eyes also need protection.