News Health Fruits vs fruit juice: Which has more nutrients?

Fruits vs fruit juice: Which has more nutrients?

Drinking a glass of fruit juice every day may seem like a healthy way to start the day. But do you know that it's not as healthy as seems? One of the main problems with fruit juice is that it is high in calories, acid content, and sugar, low in fiber, and lacks vital nutrients.

Fruits vs Fruits Juices Image Source : FREEPIKOne of the main problems with fruit juice is that it is high in calories, acid content, and sugar, low in fiber

If someone asks you to choose between fruits and fruit juice, you may get confused and may start favoring juice, but let us tell you which of the two is healthier. If you want to choose the healthy option, then fruits are more beneficial than juice. This is why doctors recommend eating fresh fruits instead of juice. Moreover, drinking a glass of fruit juice every day may seem like a healthy way to start the day. But do you know that it's not as healthy as seems? One of the main problems with fruit juice is that it is high in calories,  acid content, and sugar, low in fiber, and lacks vital nutrients. Let us know other reasons why fruits are considered more healthy and beneficial than their juices.

1. Lack of fiber

Fiber is a very important element for our body, which not only keeps the bowel movements correct but also keeps the stomach full for a long time but when we consume juice instead of fruits, then all the fiber of the fruit gets filtered. 

2. Excess calories

Generally, a fruit has low calories but when it is consumed in the form of juice, the calorie count increases significantly. The reason for this is that if you drink a glass of juice, it contains the juice of many fruits. If you are consuming packed juice, then adding sugar to it increases the calories even more.

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3. Excess of sugar

If you consume packed juice, it can be harmful instead of beneficial. Packaged fruit juices contain more fruit flavor and added sugar. Due to this the sugar level of the body may increase.

4. Deficiency of micronutrients

Fruit juice has to go through many processes due to which many micronutrients like Vitamin A and Vitamin C etc. are removed from it.