News Health Causes behind constipation: What you need to know

Causes behind constipation: What you need to know

If you're not sure what constipation is or how it occurs, let us explain.

Causes behind constipation Image Source : FREEPIKCauses behind constipation

Constipation is a common problem. Actually, when the stool becomes dry and there is difficulty with bowel movement, it is called constipation. Excessive intake of oil and spices, not eating food on time, drinking less water, and not having a clean stomach are the reasons for constipation. For some people, the problem of constipation is common and for others, it becomes a disease or a major problem. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to know about its reasons. So, let's know about this.

Constipation causes:

1. Lack of fibrous food

Lack of dietary fibre can lead to constipation. In such a situation, you should increase your intake of green vegetables and fruits. Try to eat at least 2 vegetables and one fruit a day. This speeds up bowel movements and helps with bowel movements.

2. Excessive consumption of oil spices

Eating too much oil and spices can cause constipation. This problem increases when eating meat, fried foods, and smooth things. Consuming all these things adds fat to your stool, makes the stool dry and the problem of constipation.

3. Drinking water in moderation

Many people drink less water. Drinking less water can cause a disease in itself. Dehydration happens due to not drinking water. Due to this, your stool becomes dry, there is difficulty in bowel movement and we get constipation.

4. Inactive Lifestyle

Do not do any kind of physical work. Sitting at home and being lazy can also cause constipation. Apart from this, doing more mental work instead of physical work and taking on stress can also cause constipation.

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