News Buzz Life Back Story - This prostitute's soul-wrenching accusation will blow your mind off!

Back Story - This prostitute's soul-wrenching accusation will blow your mind off!

Are we a part of cultured and educated society or a filthy swamp?Whosoever is reading this, we assume that you do go through newspapers in morning or have glance at the headlines!So how will you

back story this prostitute s soul wrenching accusation will blow your mind off back story this prostitute s soul wrenching accusation will blow your mind off

Are we a part of cultured and educated society or a filthy swamp?

Whosoever is reading this, we assume that you do go through newspapers in morning or have glance at the headlines!

So how will you categorize your existence in society - upper class, elite, sophisticated, or downright dumb?

If you cursing us for even mentioning the last option then we extremely not at all sorry for this!

How many of you have actually come out open on a serious cause of national interest? What did you do other than posting "so sorry" or "angry" status on FB and twitter after Uber taxi rape case?

Did you raise your voice to know all about that businessman who was let-off, while popular South-Indian actress was being sent to rescue home after a sex-racket was busted in a posh hotel?

As the entire nation was more than interested to know why she warded off into this nasty profession, nobody bothered to sit on ‘dharna' or file RTI to demand details about that businessman who was caught with her. Law protect the client and we “morally” support them.

Also read: Tradition or Shame? An Indian village where women are forced into prostitution!

In this video, a prostitute can be seen yelling at a reporter who finishes off his interview with just a couple of questions boasting his responsibilities to go deep into the back story and bring out the truth.

As you'll watch this video, you will start respecting her more and there is a slight chance that your soul might compel you to view this so-called 'society' otherwise...

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