News Astrology Surya Grahan 2022: Visibilty in India, timings & other details of first partial solar eclipse of the year

Surya Grahan 2022: Visibilty in India, timings & other details of first partial solar eclipse of the year

Surya Grahan 2022: The solar eclipse on April 30 will be partial and is expected to last for over four hours. Read on to know if it will be visible in India, how can you watch it and other details.

Surya Grahan 2022 updates Image Source : FREEPIKSurya Grahan 2022 updates

Surya Grahan 2022: The last day of April month will witness the first partial solar eclipse of the year. The solar eclipse is believed to last for over four hours as it will occur on April 30. The astronomical event that takes place when the moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth. As the upcoming solar eclipse will be partial, the Moon will partially obscure the Sun as it appears from Earth. NASA claims that during the eclipse nearly 65 per cent of the Sun will be covered by the Moon.

Visibilty in India 

India will not be able to witness this solar eclipse. However, the eclipse will be visible in parts of Antarctica, Atlantic Ocean just off South America's southeastern coast including the Falkland Islands, South Pacific and the Southern Ocean.  It will also be visible over parts of South America such as Chile, Argentina, most of Uruguay, western Paraguay, southwestern Bolivia, southeastern Peru, and a small area of southwestern Brazil. 

Solar Eclipse 2022: How can you watch it in India?

In India those who are interested in watching the phenomenon can view it live on NASA's YouTube.

Timings of Solar Eclipse 2022

This time the solar eclipse will start on 30th April at 12:15 pm and will end the next day i.e. on 1st May at 04:07 am.  

Related story: Solar Eclipse 2022: Date & Time of the first Surya Grahan of the year; do's and don'ts that you should follow

Solar Eclipse 2022 Effects

Although the eclipse will not be visible its effect will take place on zodiac signs including Aries, Cancer and Scorpio. 


The first solar eclipse of the year 2022 will take place in Aries. Therefore, the people of Aries will have the most influence. These zodiac signs may have to face mental stress as well as enemies can dominate you.


This situation can cause mental stress to Cancer people. At the same time, fear and negativity will remain. Your expenses will increase. Therefore, during this time the people of Cancer should be patient.


Scorpio sign people may have to face loss of honour during this period. Therefore be careful with your speech.

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