News Astrology Shadashi Dhanur Sankranti 2023: When is it? Know auspicious time, rituals and significance

Shadashi Dhanur Sankranti 2023: When is it? Know auspicious time, rituals and significance

The auspicious window for charity opens on December 16th, starting from 4:09 PM until sunset. According to the Padma Purana, making charitable contributions on Shadashi Dhanu Sankranti is believed to result in 86 times more blessings than on ordinary days.

Shadashi Dhanur Sankranti 2023 Image Source : SOCIALWhen is Shadashi Dhanur Sankranti 2023?

On December 16th, the celestial event of Shadashi Dhanur Sankranti is set to unfold, marking a highly auspicious period for charitable endeavors. This special occasion, also known as Dhanurmas or Kharmas, holds great significance, with the potential for charitable acts to yield a remarkable 86-fold reward. However, Celebrity Astrologer Parduman Suri shares a word of caution – engaging in auspicious activities for the next month is advised against, as they may face obstacles due to divine grace.

The auspicious window for charity opens on December 16th, starting from 4:09 PM until sunset. According to the Padma Purana, making charitable contributions on Shadashi Dhanu Sankranti is believed to result in 86 times more blessings than on ordinary days. It is recommended to refrain from significant deeds and activities until Makar Sankranti to avoid potential hindrances caused by divine intervention.

During this sacred time, worshipping the sun takes center stage. Devotees are encouraged to offer water to the sun deity after their morning bath. This simple yet profound gesture not only enhances one's merit but also brings prestige within society. Until the conclusion of Dhanurmas, presenting water, kumkum, and red flowers in a vessel with complete devotion to the sun is believed to bring progress in one's career, completion of unfinished tasks, and relief from tension at home.

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Moreover, the month of Dhanurmas holds immense significance for the worship of God and pilgrimage. As the natural world experiences snowfall and cold waves in various regions, the month becomes auspicious not only for ascetics and saints but also for householders engaging in religious activities. Embracing the spiritual essence of Dhanurmas can lead to a fruitful and blessed journey for individuals seeking divine connections in their lives.