News Astrology Rare Super Blue Moon lights up the skies, first photos released from NASA

Rare Super Blue Moon lights up the skies, first photos released from NASA

Super Blue Moon 2023: A Super Blue Moon is a rare astronomical event that occurs when there is a full moon that is also a blue moon and a perigee moon

Rare Super Blue Moon Image Source : TWITTERRare Super Blue Moon

A rare Super Blue Moon illuminated the Indian sky on Wednesday night. This phenomenon is a rare astronomical event that occurs when a full moon coincides with both a blue moon and a perigee moon. It will mark the second full moon of August, earning it the title of a blue moon. The term ‘Super Blue Moon’ was originally coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1946. The blue moon will achieve the status of a super blue moon by 7:30 am IST on August 31.

The Super Blue Moon is the third and final full moon of the Northern Hemisphere summer. According to NASA, the moon reached its peak illumination at 8:37 pm EDT on August 30 (6:07 am IST on August 31). The rare phenomenon was even captured with naked eyes.

Blue Moon is a rare astronomical event that occurs when there is a full moon that is also a blue moon and a perigee moon. It is the second full moon in a calendar month. This happens about once every two and a half years.The Super Blue Moon appeared about 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than a typical full moon. This is because the moon will be closer to Earth than usual.

This is a rare astronomical event, so it is a special occasion to enjoy. There is no particular significance to the Super Blue Moon, but it is a beautiful sight to behold.

A full Moon generally occurs once a month, meaning that an average year has 12. But the phases of the Moon actually take 29.5 days to complete, or 354 days for 12 cycles.That falls short of the 365/366 days in a calendar year, so roughly every two and half years, a 13th full Moon is seen. It is thought that the rarity is where the phrase "once in a blue Moon" may come from.