News Astrology Horoscope Today, May 20: Lucky day for Scorpio, Gemini; know about other zodiac signs

Horoscope Today, May 20: Lucky day for Scorpio, Gemini; know about other zodiac signs

Horoscope Today, May 20: New hopes and aspirations for Cancer. Know about other zodiac signs

Horoscope Today, May 20 Image Source : FREEPIKHoroscope Today, May 20

Horoscope Today, May 30: Today is Pratipada Tithi and Saturday of Jyestha Shukla Paksha. Pratipada Tithi will last till 9.31 pm tonight. Starting from 8:30 am today, Yayijay Yoga will continue till sunrise tomorrow morning. Along with this, Krittika Nakshatra will remain till 8.3 minutes this morning, after that Rohini Nakshatra will appear. Along with this, Venus will enter Punarvasu Nakshatra tonight at 12.40 am. Karveer Vrat will also be observed today. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how the day of 20th May will be for you and by what measures you can make this day better. 


Your day will be happy. You will get some good news that will keep you excited for the whole day. Can party with friends in the office. Married life will be happy. There will be fierceness in your thoughts, be as humble as possible. The day will prove to be profitable for hardware businessmen. Lovemate will surprise you, sweetness will increase in your relationship. Students will complete their earlier pending work with the help of classmates and will concentrate on their studies. The plan to move forward in the field will be successful today.


it is going to be a great day for you. Today it will be appropriate for you to move ahead in business with a little thought. You will definitely get success in your determined tasks. People of this zodiac should not trust anyone more than necessary. Your health will be fit. You will get good results in competitive exams. Your business will continue to grow. You will get the full benefit of new schemes. There will be equality in your income and expenditure. If you have applied for your loan, then it will be approved.


Today will be your best day. You will be inclined towards religious works. Interest will increase in the work of helping others etc. If you have borrowed money from someone, you will repay it soon. Happiness and satisfaction will increase in married life. If you have your own shop then your sales will increase. The responsibility of your personal life may increase. You should be ready for every situation. There may be some ups and downs in your health. The couple will go for a walk today.


Your day will be mixed. Students engaged in preparing for competitive exams will get success in achieving their goals. If you are associated with the social sector then you will be honored today. People suffering from eye problems will consult a good doctor. You can get some good news from the child side. There will be compatibility in the work of textile traders. You will get profit opportunities. Your married life will be full of happiness. Lovemates will clear their misunderstandings today and strengthen their relationship.


It will be a wonderful day for you. People looking for employment will get a positive response. You will get success in all stalled works. Students will take an interest in studies and will understand their responsibilities very well. Starting a new business will be fruitful for you. The economic condition of the people of this zodiac will be strengthened. Oily food from outside can weaken your health. Will be able to get their work done by others in the workplace. Ride the marital relationship very softly. Keep in touch with the members of the family.


Your day will be mixed. Be sure to take the opinion of family members before taking any decision. The eagerness to do some work will increase. Your health will be good, you will be full of energy. Good news related to the promotion of people with government jobs will be received soon. Will get the support of friends at every step. You can share your thoughts with them today. Mind your business in the office. There will be peace in married life.


Your day is going to be normal. If you are doing a technical course then you can get a good job. You will be busy with office work today, try to give time to family members as well. You have promised a friend to complete his work, you will complete it. The thought of a journey can distract you from your mind. To keep your health healthy, today you should avoid eating fried things, the use of seasonal vegetables will help in keeping you healthy.


It will be a wonderful day for you. While leaving for work, you will suddenly get a call from a friend, you will get important information from him. Will try to live my life better. Will take a final decision to buy a property seen a long time ago, and discuss it with the family members. All your activities will be completed today. Your self-confidence will increase. You will get relief from health-related problems. The doors of your luck will open, and you will get good marks in the examination.


It is going to be a great day for you. Today will add sweetness to your relationship. The ongoing work of construction businessmen will be completed today. You will be completely healthy. Avoid fast food, health will be good. Politicians of this zodiac can plan to organize a function that will work in the interest of society. You will get happiness from the son's side. Teachers will clear the doubts of the students. New sources of income will open. Employees can also get the benefit of a salary hike today.


It will be your favorable day. Elders will be interested in religious works. Will go out with friends today, where there will be an atmosphere of fun. The mood may be upset about something in the office, as far as possible try to be normal. Law students will get a lot of interest in the new topic. Your fans will increase on social media, you will get a lot of encouragement. The talk of your relationship will be final, will prepare for marriage soon. You will be fit, overall the day will be good.


Your day is going to be normal. Any work of yours will be appreciated. You will get success in the preparation of the competition. Continue your practice. For the women of this zodiac who want to start their own business, today good chances are being made for them. You will not give up even in difficult tasks, you are very close to progress. Avoid spicy food, health will be good. Misunderstandings with the spouse will end. 


It is going to be a wonderful day for you. Will have a lot of fun with your siblings. Maintain sweetness with the people of the neighborhood. The day will be beneficial for professors. People who have recently joined a dance academy should learn with their heart. You will get a chance to move forward soon. Businessmen will sign deals today which will prove to be profitable with progress. Close relatives can ask you for help, will definitely help them in every possible way. Parents can consider for the bright future of their children.