News Astrology Baisakhi 2022: THESE zodiac signs will get lucky on Thursday; know about your day

Baisakhi 2022: THESE zodiac signs will get lucky on Thursday; know about your day

Baisakhi or Vaisakhi is a festival celebrated in the north and central Indian states, including Assam, Tamil Puthandu, Bishuva Sankranti and Poila Boishakh. Continue reading to find out which zodiac sign will be lucky this holiday season, and how you may take advantage of it

Baisakhi 2022: THESE zodiac signs will get lucky on Thursday; know about your day Image Source : FREEPIKBaisakhi 2022: THESE zodiac signs will get lucky on Thursday; know about your day

In some parts of India, the month of Chaitra symbolizes the start of the new year (around March 21 to Apr 20). Baisakhi or Vaisakhi is a festival celebrated in the north and central Indian states, including Assam, Tamil Puthandu, Bishuva Sankranti (Odisha), and Poila Boishakh (Bengal). When the Sun moves from its equatorial position to its northern location, the transitory phase begins. Observations have proved that this is the case. This hour has major astrological importance, which means it has the potential to influence your zodiac sign and bring you good fortune.

Continue reading to find out which zodiac sign will be lucky this holiday season, and how you may take advantage of it.


The day of Baisakhi is significant astrologically since it marks the Sun's entry into Aries (Mesha Rashi). So it is known as Mesha Sakranti in Hinduism. During this time, the sun is their yoga karaka planet, signifying wealth. Arians are caring, sensitive, and wise decision-makers. Their lives would be changed and significant job offers would be made during this time. Time to arrange your wedding or locate your soulmate. This is Arian's best time. While this is a lucky period, it is also a time to take care of your health and spend more time with family. Work on strengthening your bonds with your loved ones.


Self-reliance is a good strategy when it comes to dealing with work-related issues. In addition, you may have to travel for urgent business reasons. Keep an eye out for pointless chit chat. Be aware of your surroundings and consider the consequences of sharing a secret with the wrong set of ears.


This is a good time to think about redecorating or getting a makeover. When you reunite with a long-time friend, it's easy to remember the positive things in life. Just keep an eye out for a mild ailment that may necessitate immediate treatment or a few days of rest to cure.


This is an auspicious time to think about methods to increase your income, and you may obtain the help you need from an expert.


Even while your financial situation is secure, you may have a sneaking suspicion that you'd benefit from taking a few calculated chances. Entrepreneurs, start-ups, and researchers will benefit from this time. Your long-term success is secured because your vision is


Especially if you've been ignoring your emotions lately, you may be caught off guard this week by your own feelings. Be prepared to meet with larger groups of coworkers more frequently in the workplace. You may set new milestones.


Expansion, diversification, or introducing new items to the market are all possibilities for businessmen. In addition, you may find that your social life takes a backseat to all of the other things going on. A second opinion on a medical condition may be required for a loved one. Take care of your own health and have time for family.


As one chapter of your life draws to a close, you may begin to consider how you want to begin the next. You may be on the point of taking a few calculated risks during this time, taking help from an experienced person.


You're on your way up, and there may be the talk of a promotion, increment, or expansion of your responsibilities in the near future. Don't criticize your loved ones; they may be in need of your love and support, not your criticism. A part of you will wish you had taken a vacation earlier in the year.


New directions are afoot, and if you're willing to investigate, you may be pleasantly surprised. Keep an eye on your mood and vitality. You may feel happy and outgoing one minute and then decide to block individuals on social media. What triggers you must heal. This is a fantastic time to reflect, contemplate, and try new things.


A period of constraint begins. You may think twice before spending. Even at home, you may be able to reduce clutter or expenses. And you'll feel lighter and more relieved. Expect less from people who have repeatedly let you down. A new diet or workout routine works.


This time Pisceans seem to be multitasking and involved in multiple tasks. Multiple expectations and duties may need you to juggle them properly and manage your time and energy. Family provides love and support, and friendships formed during this age have the ability to last. Just be yourself and watch how others respond.

-With inputs from Pankaj Khanna, Chairman, Khanna Gems