News Trending Leopard does yoga in viral video, gives netizens fitness motivation with Surya Namaskar. Watch

Leopard does yoga in viral video, gives netizens fitness motivation with Surya Namaskar. Watch

The video of the leopard doing its morning stretches has provided a source of inspiration for many fitness enthusiasts.

Leopard does yoga Image Source : @SUSANTANANDA3Leopard does yoga

Trending News: The world of social media is replete with many amazing and interesting videos, and one such video has caught the attention of fitness enthusiasts lately. The video features a leopard doing its morning stretching routine, which has been interpreted by many as the popular yoga pose Surya Namaskar. Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Susanta Nanda shared the video on his social media account, and it has since gone viral. The clip has sparked a conversation about the connection between animals and fitness and how we can take inspiration from them to stay healthy and active.

The video was originally recorded by a hidden camera that was installed to track the movements of wild animals. The clip shows the leopard waking up from its nap and performing its morning stretch routine, which includes bending and stretching its limbs. It's not clear if the leopard is actually performing Surya Namaskar or if it's simply doing its own routine, but the internet has been quick to make the connection between the two.

The video has received over 95k views and 3,400 likes, with many users expressing their delight at the sight of the majestic animal performing its exercises. Some have even joked that the leopard is a "fitness freak" who doesn't need a yoga teacher or YouTube videos to stay in shape. "My dog does the same every day, that ain’t surya namaskar! Lol," a user commented. "Great example to mimic from mother nature, good stretch, first thing," another user wrote. "Secret of fitness," a third added.

Watch the viral video of leopard doing surya namaskar here:

The video of the leopard doing its morning stretches has provided a source of inspiration for many fitness enthusiasts. It's a reminder that we don't need to follow strict fitness routines or spend a lot of money on gym memberships to stay healthy. By taking inspiration from the natural world and finding ways to incorporate movement and activity into our daily lives, we can stay fit and healthy just like the leopard in the video.