News Technology How to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

How to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Here are some of the steps to find out whether you have been blocked on WhatsApp

Popular messaging service WhatsApp. Popular messaging service WhatsApp.

One of the standout features offered by the popular messaging app WhatsApp is that one is free to block a contact he/she no longer wish to talk to.

While there is no sure shot to find out whether you have been blocked, there are some indications that might confirm the same. Here are some of them:

1. Look for the contact's last seen or online in the chat window

This is perhaps most the easiest way to check whether you have been blocked.

2. Look for updates to contact's profile photo

In case you are blocked on WhatsApp, a user's profile picture will never change to you and you will always see the photo that they put when they were chatting with you. If you can't see the changes, you may have been blocked.

3. Check the Ticks

WhatsApp's blue ticks are a great way to tell if your message has been sent and if it has been read. It’s also a telltale clue to tell if you’ve been blocked.

One grey tick means the message has been sent, two grey ticks means the message has been received and two green ticks mean the message has been read. If you have been blocked, you will only ever see one grey tick. That’s because your message will be sent, but WhatsApp won’t deliver it to the contact.

4. Try WhatsApp Calling

Any attempts to place a call through WhatsApp to the contact who may have blocked you will will not go through.

5. The Group Test

Start by creating a new chat and adding a couple of friends to it. If you try to add the person who might have blocked you, you will get an error message saying that you don’t have the authorization to add them. This is an indication that you might be blocked by the contact.