News Technology Google Search adds more information on COVID-19: Symptoms, Preventions, Statistics and more

Google Search adds more information on COVID-19: Symptoms, Preventions, Statistics and more

Google expands its COVID19 information as pandemic expands: Here's how to get the right info.

coronavirus Google Search adds more information on coronavirus.

Coronavirus has turned into a pandemic as the numbers are rising every minute. The deadly virus has left us all scared and everyone is now panicking. In order to avoid misleading information on COVID-19, Google has taken another step to bring the right information to the masses. Soon after COVID-19 was declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO), the company added an SOS Alert with safety information from the WHO. Now, the company is taking this forward by adding more information. 

Google Search has added information on the coronavirus disease using new tabs. Upon searching keywords related to coronavirus, the user will be shown an overview where they can see all the top stories related to the deadly virus. The second tab is labelled Symptoms where it shows all the symptoms one should look for if they think they might have turned positive. 

The third tab is prevention, where the company is running its "Do the five" campaign The campaign suggests that people should wash hands often, use elbow while coughing, keep a safe distance from other people, should not touch face and stay at home if possible.  Lastly, the Treatment tab shows a couple of practices that one can start for self-care. It also spreads awareness about medical treatments. 

Google, in its blog, said, "As coronavirus becomes a challenge in more communities and as authorities around the world develop new guidance and tools to address the pandemic, we’ll continue to find more opportunities to connect people with key information to keep themselves, their families, and their communities safe."

Google will also add a Statistics tab soon where users can keep a track the number of cases reported worldwide and country wise. 

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