News Technology Apps Instagram tests new memories prompts to re-ignite user engagement

Instagram tests new memories prompts to re-ignite user engagement

Instagram tests a new 'Memory' Story prompt to encourage users to re-share old posts, possibly to re-ignite engagement amid declining personal sharing on the platform, similar to Facebook's 'On this day' feature.

Instagram Image Source : FREEPIKInstagram tests new memories prompts to re-ignite user engagement

Instagram is testing a new 'memory' story prompt to encourage users to share their old posts, similar to Facebook's 'on this day' feature. The prompt takes users to their archive feature, where they can view their previous stories shared around the same date. The aim is to re-ignite user engagement and encourage more personal sharing on the platform. 

This move by Instagram is a response to declining engagement on the platform, as users are consuming more content but sharing fewer personal updates.

Facebook faced a similar issue in 2015 when personal posts were down 21% year-over-year. Facebook's solution was to pump more 'On this day' and memories prompt into user feeds, which sparked more engagement but also shifted the focus of content sharing towards family and friends rather than the latest trends and updates.

Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has already acknowledged that personal sharing has shifted from the main feed to Stories and DMs. While Instagram is still seeing growth in Reels engagement and AI content recommendations, usage of Instagram Stories is reportedly down 10% on previous levels.


1. What is Instagram's 'Memory' Story prompt?

The 'Memory' Story prompt is a new feature being tested by Instagram to encourage users to re-share old posts on their Stories. It is aimed at re-igniting engagement among users and is similar to Facebook's 'On this day' feature.

2. Why is Instagram introducing the 'Memory' Story prompt?

Instagram's personal sharing activity has been declining, which is why it is trying to come up with new features to encourage users to share more content on the platform. The 'Memory' Story prompt is one such effort to prompt users to share their old posts, which may lead to increased engagement.