News Sports Football He was awful at Manchester United: Gary Neville hits back at Angel Di Maria

He was awful at Manchester United: Gary Neville hits back at Angel Di Maria

After just one year in Manchester, Di Maria forced a move to French giants Paris St. Germain in 2015.

He was awful at Manchester United: Gary Neville hits back at Angel Di Maria Image Source : GETTY IMAGESHe was awful at Manchester United: Gary Neville hits back at Angel Di Maria

Former Manchester United defender Gary Neville has hit back at Argentina footballer Angel Di Maria after his wife made some nasty comments for her husband's brief stint in England.

Jorgelina Cardoso had earlier told Spanish TV that she begged Di Maria not to go to England before his move to Old Trafford in 2014. She had branded the food as disgusting and people as weird in her latest interview.

Neville took note of those comments from Di Maria's wife and hit back at the winger for his unsuccessful spell at the club.

"I don't know what she means," Neville told Sky Sports as per Daily Mail. "We hear these stories from time to time, where a player's played like a drain, like Di Maria did at Manchester United, he was awful.

"And I had great expectations and sort of excitement when he came to the club thinking we'd signed a top player. But he was never interested from day one.

"And what I would say is, maybe what he needs to do is look across the road at Sergio Aguero, his Argentinian compatriot, or Pablo Zabaleta, who've done alright in Manchester over the years and don't seem to be in a rush to leave."

After just one year in Manchester, Di Maria forced a move to French giants Paris St. Germain in 2015. He has scored 80 goals in 217 games for PSG so far and has won the Ligue 1 title four times.