News Politics National Opposition doesn't let us speak out of an inferiority complex, says PM Modi

Opposition doesn't let us speak out of an inferiority complex, says PM Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today took a dig at Congress by invoking former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi's views disapproving Parliamentary disruptions and said hindering debate in the House is very counter-productive.Replying to a

opp resorting to disruption because of inferiority complex pm opp resorting to disruption because of inferiority complex pm

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today took a dig at Congress by invoking former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi's views disapproving Parliamentary disruptions and said hindering debate in the House is very counter-productive.

Replying to a debate in the Lok Sabha on motion of thanks to President's address in joint sitting of Parliament, he said that the nation is anxious because of what has being going on in the Parliament in the last few days.

"Parliament is a forum where different view points are put forward, where questions are being asked to the government, where government is made accountable and nobody is spared, and one shouldn't expect otherwise," he said.

"And in doing so, it would be great if we uphold parliamentary traditions to let the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha function peacefully and responsibly", he added.

"It is not me saying this... These are the words of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi," Modi told the Lok Sabha with most of the MPs present in the House.

Making an appeal to the entire opposition for the passage of important bills including the GST, he said that ‘these legislations are in the interest of the people' and ‘when Parliament does not function, the nation suffers and MPs suffer as they can't discuss issues of public interest'.

"If House maintains decorum, we will be able to put our point of view in a better manner," he said while referring to India's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and his speeches in the Parliament.

The Prime Minister also said that the MPs should follow the advice of the President on the functioning of Parliament.

15 quotes from PM Modi's speech in Lok Sabha

1. House is a place where debates are to take place, but if boundaries are maintained during a debate then it is fruitful. This is not something Modi is saying, this has been said by former PM Rajiv Gandhi.

2. Hindering debate in the House is very counter-productive. Bills are passed for the people… they are for freeing the system from middlemen. Unfortunately political parties feel disruption or adjournment will lead to highlighting the issue. This was said by former Speaker of the Lok Sabha Somnath Chatterjee.

3. I appeal the Opposition to help pass important bills in both Houses of Parliament. GST Bill was introduced by you, now you are stalling its passage. I am saying all this because people must know that bills have been passed here but have been stopped thereafter.

4. March 8 is the International Women Day, why can't we have a proposal that only women MPs should speak on International Women Day.

5. Opposition doesn't let us speak out of an inferiority complex, so that the nation can't see our views & skills. In the opposition there are bright and talented youngsters who don't get a chance to speak...They do lot of study...The concern is that if they speak, they will be praised. Then what will happen to us. Why can't we have time set aside where only first time MPs can speak. This will bring a fresh perspective to proceedings.

6. You are mocking things like 'Make In India'. This is for the nation. If there are shortcomings it may be shared & discussed. Some people learn with age but some don't. We are making toilets because you (Congress) did not do that in 60 years of being in power.

7. MNREGA is not new. Such a scheme is in existence since Independence. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was the original name for MNREGA, I am surprised you removed Jawaharlal's name in 2006. No one will deny that if Congress would have helped the poor in 60 years, the poor wouldn't still be facing trouble. Country wouldn't need schemes like MNREGA if past governments had succeeded in removing poverty. People are sacrificing their skills. Khargeji said there is corruption in MNREGA and I agree with him. Look at the CAG report of 2012 & what observations were made. We have taken several measures to check corruption and we are on right path.

8. Even after 60 years, five states have failed to implement MNREGA. Four are those (Congress) who sang praises of the scheme. They (Opposition) are worried because our governance is better than theirs... (Opposition ko chinta iss baat ki hai ki tum humse accha kaam kaise kar rahe ho?):

9. When we came into power in May 2014, only 11 states had opted for the National Food Security Act (NFSA). Today, there are still 4 states--Kerala, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh-- which don't have it because they are Congress-ruled states.

10. 10 years of UPA in Indian Railways, the average annual expense for Rail development was Rs 9291 crore. But in 2 years we have spent Rs 32,587 crore. This is a live example of how with the same resources, employees, law and order the government is performing better. We are cleaning up Congress' mess of last 60 years.

11. I have been questioned, I have faced criticism and accusations over last 14 years. I have learnt to live with it.

12. It is necessary that executives need to be accountable. No one is less than the PM.

13. I still remember the date, it was September 27, our honourable Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh was in US. He was holding bilateral talks with President Barack Obama. And one person here tore an Ordinance approved by the powerful Cabinet headed by Manmohan Singh and including veterans like A K Antony, Sharad Pawar and Farooq Abdullah.

14. We indulge in 'tu-tu-main-main' (fighting) attitude to score points... due to fear of what will be printed in the newspapers.

15. This government also needs improvement which cannot happen without your help. I am new, you are experienced. I need the benefit of your experience. Governments will come and go. Let us work shoulder to shoulder.