News Politics National LIVE: Anna Hazare to break his fast once parliament passes Lokpal Bill

LIVE: Anna Hazare to break his fast once parliament passes Lokpal Bill

Ralegan Siddhi: Veteran social activist Anna Hazare today said that he will break his ongoing fast once the parliament passes Lokpal Bill.Anna'a fast today entered fifth day.Here we are giving you minute-by-minute updates of this

05:48pm: Lokpal will be an 8 member body including 4 retired Supreme Court judges. This is significant

05:47pm: PM coming under Lokpal is the most crucial factor.

05:46pm-Anna: It's good that CBI director will be selected by PM and Leader of Opposition.

05:45pm-Anna: I have seen the draft of the Lokpal Bill that has been introduced in Rajya Sabha and I'm happy with this bill.