News Politics National Coalgate: PMO defends allocation of coal block to Hindalco

Coalgate: PMO defends allocation of coal block to Hindalco

New Delhi: Prime Minister's Office (PMO) has finally broken its silence over PM's role in allocation of coal block to Hindalco and has made it clear  that the PM took the decision based on merits

In August 2005, the Coal Ministry sent its file on the matter to the Prime Minister, mentioning that the Screening Committee had considered three major contenders for allocation of Talabira-II and decided to allocate this block to NLC.

The decision, in which Hindalco was not given the block, was based on three reasons, the PMO said.

One reason was that 'adequate coal linkages had been provided to Hindalco from Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd long time back and Hindalco had not used the coal'.