News Politics National BJP, INLD are backstabbers: Hooda

BJP, INLD are backstabbers: Hooda

Sonipat: Amid scrambling by opposition parties to churn out a suitable alliance, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda yesterday termed BJP and INLD as "backstabbers" saying the political alignment was not in the interest of

bjp inld are backstabbers hooda bjp inld are backstabbers hooda
Sonipat: Amid scrambling by opposition parties to churn out a suitable alliance, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda yesterday termed BJP and INLD as "backstabbers" saying the political alignment was not in the interest of people but "for their own vested interests".

The Chief Minister said that some political parties are trying to have political alliance for Assembly polls. "It is not for the benefit of the people, but for their own vested interests," he said.

"The BJP is undecided over the issue of having political alliance," he claimed.

Hooda attacked BJP over the issue of alliance.

First the BJP had joined hands with late Deputy Prime Minister Devi Lal and later with late Chief Minister Bansi Lal in the state, but both broke apart, he said.

"Thereafter, the son of Bhajan Lal (late Chief Minister) opted for alliance," Hooda said.

The chief minister said he had high regards for former Prime Minister Charan Singh, who had told him that the BJP could never favour the farmers and labourers.

"These words still echo in my ears," Hooda said.

He was addressing Haryana 'Shakti Rally' here in Gohana.

The Congress' rally came in the wake of opposition Indian National Lok Dal's recent rally at Kurukshetra on November 1 and BJP's rally at Rewari last month.

While describing the youth as future custodian of the country, Hooda asked party in-charge of Haryana affairs, Shakeel Ahmad, to recommend giving 50 per cent tickets to the youth to enable them contest elections.

In Haryana, politics is on the boil in view of next year's Lok Sabha and Assembly polls. The situation about possible political alliance between INLD and other parties, including the BJP is still not clear.

However, the BJP has announced its alliance with the Haryana Janhit Congress (HJC) floated by Bhajan Lal's son Kuldeep Bishnoi.

Bishnoi was at the dais at Rewari rally of BJP, where the saffron party's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi addressed the gathering.

But the presence of BJP's senior leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi at an INLD's rally in Kurukshetra sent confusing signals among electorates on possibility of an alliance between the two parties.

Hooda said that Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal had spoken at Kurukshetra rally recently about politics of alliance.

Hooda questioned, "would Badal decide the chief minister of Haryana."

He said that it was Badal who had denied Haryana its due share of water. "INLD and BJP are backstabbers," Hooda said.

The chief minister even offered to contest election from Gohana and said elections are due in October 2014 and he would like to address another rally in the area same day next year.

The two time chief minister said that the alliance by opposition in the state is not for development but it is an alliance to "loot" the state.

Union Minister Kumari Selja (MP from Ambala) and Rao Inderjit Singh (MP from Gurgaon), known batters of Hooda were not present in the rally.

Ruling out politics of vendetta, Hooda hit out at INLD supremo Om Parkash Chautala for indulging in "suppressing and looting" different sections of the society for gains.

"I never did politics of vendetta...No case has been registered against any political opponent in the state," he said at the rally.

Before 2005 (when Congress government came to power) there was politics of vendetta in Haryana, the Chief Minister said.

Chautala, alongwith his elder son Ajay Chauatala, are in Tihar jail after being sentenced ten year term by a Delhi court in a teacher recruitment scandal.

"They (Chautalas) grabbed lands of people...During their tenure employees and traders were asked to bring 'bags' (referring to bags of money) and this is not the situation now...You (people at the gathering) can see that bags are missing now," Hooda said.

In an indirect attack on Chautalas, Hooda said that during the Congress regime no criminal got political patronage. "They (Chautalas) used to terrorise, suppress and loot the people," he said.

"I will take up the cause of farming community by sitting in Chandigarh and Delhi...I am a son of a freedom fighter and a farmer," he said.

"Farmers need to get at least 50 per cent benefit from the their produce," he said.

Noting that education is a key factor in the development of the country, Hooda said that his endeavour is to make the state an international hub of education.

Hooda said that before becoming chief minister, in 2005, he came out from the "jaws of death" after falling in the Ganga river in Haridwar.

"After the incident I took a pledge that I will serve the people till my last breath without any greed", he said.

Meanwhile, the INLD in a statement in Chandigarh denounced the 'Jan Shakti' rally of Hooda.

"The rally was a flop show," an INLD spokesman said.

He alleged that the Hooda government had completely failed in providing any welfare scheme to any section of the society.

"This rally is countdown of the fall of Hooda government," INLD MLA Abhay Chautala and INLD state president Ashok Arora said.